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onika maraj

Lauren and I actually did end up hanging out in our dorm. After they left, she came into my room and asked me about what Teyana was saying about us going out.

I told her I didn't like Bey and I didn't want to be around her. That's mostly the truth, I wasn't going to tell her we used to date.

She asked me if I wanted to do something anyways and I said yes. We didn't do anything special, we just ordered Chinese food and started a new show on Netflix.

She barely had any clothes on but like I said, I don't mind. Something about the fact that she looks like me is attractive. Not really in a gay way, she's just nice to look at.

I started my to clean up after Lauren yelled a second time, we would both be asleep soon and I didn't want to leave the food out.

While I was in the kitchen, Lauren called my name.


"Someone keeps calling you, you phone almost fell off the couch from all the vibrating." She walked into the kitchen holding my phone and handed it to me.

"Oh, thanks." I looked at the number, it wasn't saved.

I don't save everyone's number but I can recognize peoples number. I didn't know this one but I answered anyways.


"Unblock me."

"Who's this?" I knew it was Bey.

"You know who this is, unblock me."

"You better cashapp me or something hoe, bye." I hung up, I don't know who the fuck she thinks she's talking to.

I finished getting ready then went into the kitchen where Lauren was folding the blankets we used.

"I'm about to go to sleep but I'll see you tomorrow."

"We should talk or hang out more, tonight was cool."

"Yeah, sure. We live together so.. I guess we can plan something when we see each other."

She softly laughed, "Yeah. Well goodnight."

"Goodnight." I smiled and went to my room. We don't know each other that well so things are a little bit awkward.

We actually have a lot in common, I could definitely see us as good friends. I found out we're both Sagittariuses.

I got into bed since I already took a shower and did my night routine before I ate.

I got a notification from Cashapp as soon as I got comfortable.

Cashapp: 🐝: $150 for "unblock me."

150?? What do I look like?

I unblocked her anyways. It's the thoughts that counts, I just wanted to see how bad she wanted it.

I reacted to the Cashapp with a thumbs up. If she's smart she'll get that I unblocked her.

I started watching Tiktoks. If she texts me, she texts me. I wasn't pressed, she's the one that wants to talk to me.

She called me. Seeing her name on my phone made me nervous. I answered but I didn't say anything, I didn't want to be the one to speak first.


"This is she." I'm already regretting this, I should've have unblocked her. I'm being weak right now.

"Can I come see you?"

"No." She's lucky she's even getting this phone call.



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