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onika maraj

I woke up to banging at my door. I knew I would have to get it because Lauren was knocked out and drunk from last night.

I groaned and threw my blanket off me. Who the fuck is here this early on a Saturday?

I stormed out of my room. "Shut the fuck up!" Whoever was at the door was still banging on it.

I opened the door and I swear I almost swung when I saw it was Beyoncé. "Bitch-"

"Wait!" She flinched and I didn't even raise a hand yet. "I brought food."

"Why are you banging on my door at this time of the morning?" The sun was barely up.

"I just wanted to see you and I knew if I brought you food you wouldn't be as mad. Can I come in please?"

I pulled her inside. "We have to go to my room so Lauren doesn't see you."

"Yay." Her gay ass, I can't believe she just said that.

I turned around and she was gone. What the hell?

I walked into my room and she was on my bed, laying on her stomach and swinging her legs.

"Who told you, you could get in my bed?"

"I brought you food, don't be mean."

The bag with the food was on my desk where I do my work. I looked through the bag and she got my a waffle, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Maybe I'm not that mad.

I brushed my teeth then I started digging in, I almost forgot she was here.

"We kissed for the first time in over a year yesterday."

"I remember." I don't know why she was telling me this.

"I know you felt that too."

"Felt what?" I knew exactly what she was talking about because I felt it too.

"That love."


"Our love is so strong and powerful, like I could feel it through a kiss. I'll never feel the way I feel about you about anyone else."

"Are you high?" She must be.

"It helps with hangovers."

"I'm not even really hungover, I didn't get that drunk."

"Yeah, I know. You were too busy being fed and dancing on that nigga."

I smiled at her mentioning Kofi, I actually forgot about him. "You think I should text him now?" I have his number but he doesn't have mine, the bell is in my park.

"Why would you text him when you're in a relationship with me?"

That made me laugh, "Isn't that exactly what you did with me? That's how you started talking to Teyana."

She didn't say anything after that. I didn't care, I ate my food and watched Tiktoks. She was laying in my bed like she bought it.

"Baby." When I heard Bey say that I had to look around for Teyana.

"Who are you talking to?" I know it's not me.

"You. Come over here." She was on her back now, she made herself at home fast.

"For what?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? Please just come."

I put my phone down and stood up. She smiled and moved up my bed. I sat down by her, I wasn't going to lay down because I know how she is.

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