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onika maraj

I was in my room waiting for Bey to pick me up. We were driving down to see our parents. 

I was so excited. I haven't seen my parents since I got here. I know it hasn't been that long but I've really missed them.

We were spending the night so I had a bag. Bey texted me that she was outside and I grabbed my bag.

I said bye to Lauren first, she was getting ready to go over to the guy who she's been talking to house.

I left the dorm building and Beys car was right out front. I put my bag in the backseat and got in the passenger seat.

"Hey baby." I leaned over the armrest and kissed her.

"Stop that." She moved back and I frowned.

"Stop what?"

"We already talked about this." She's still mad we're not together.

"You we're just beating your dick on Facetime with me now it's 'we already talked about this'?"

She didn't say anything and started driving. I disconnected her phone from the car so I could connect my own.

I put the playlist she made for me on shuffle and Teenage Fever by Drake started playing. Cute but not really the mood I was going for.

I shuffled the playlist again and laughed when Don't Run Away from Let It Shine came on.

She smiled and chuckled. "The soundtrack and movie kinda ate."

"Did it?"

"Don't run away! Don't run away from the truth!" She broke out into song.

"Cause I'm not giving up on you!"

"This is more than a crush!" Oh.

"More than a like-like!"

"More than a love!"

We both started to laugh. I love our moments like these.

"I feel like we should get them a bottle of wine or something to show them we're grown up now."

"You have a fake?"

"Duh. I'll stop by a liquor store closer to them."

"Get something for us too, I want to have fun while we're here."

She raised her eyebrow, "What type of fun?"

"Let's see where the night takes us." We're probably going to end up doing nothing.

About an hour into the drive, Bey pulled into a parking lot in front of a liquor store.

"Stay in the car, I'll be back."

"Okay." I sat tight while she went inside.

She came back with two bags. She put one in the backseat and brought the other with her to the front.

"They had some snacks in there so I bought some." She put the bag in my lap and I looked inside.

"Thank you." She bought sour candy and chips.

"We should be there soon." Texas is so big, we're in the same city but it's still taking us so long to get there.

I settled on sour ropes and put the rest of the stuff by my feet.

"We might as well get married. Buying liquor for our parents is a married couple thing to do."

"Okay." She just laughed, I would really marry her.

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