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beyoncé knowles

I woke up alone in my bed. I rubbed my eyes, I always sleep good good with Onika.

Her fake ass should've woke me up when she got out of bed instead of leaving my here alone.

Solange's laugh was so loud that I could hear it in my room with the room closed. That's probably what woke me up.

I wanted to find Onika again so I brushed my teeth and got dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Onika let me cuddle with her naked last night.

I walked downstairs and followed Solange's laugh to the living room. They all stopped talking and glared at me, everyone besides Carol.

Onika was sitting on the couch doing Solange's hair who was sitting in between her legs on the floor. My mom and Carol were sitting down on different couches sipping from mugs.

Silage squinted her eyes and shook her head. "You low down dirty dog."

I haven't even been awake for 20 minutes??

"Huh? What did I do?"

"Don't mind her, I was just telling them how my school has been." So she was telling them about Teyana.

"Did you also tell them how you were offering your pussy up to that guy in Chipotle? After I took you to get food?"

Carol put her hand over her mouth, "Onika Tanya Maraj."

"Yeah and you should've seen how she was dancing on him when she got drunk at a party." If she wants to snitch, I can snitch too.

"Onika you told me you don't drink."


My work here was done so I kissed my mama on the forehead and went into the kitchen to find something to eat.

Tina walked into the kitchen a second later. "You want me to make you something?"

"Yes please." The best part about coming home even if it's just overnight is home cooked meals.

She went into the fridge and got out eggs. "From what Onika told me, that's girls crazy. You need to leave her alone for your own good."

I sighed, "I know mama. We've been broken up for a while."

"So you don't talk to her anymore? I know how you get." She means I'm a slut.

"No I don't talk to her anymore."

She raised an eyebrow, "I don't think you're being completely honest but that's between you and Onika. I can always tell when you lie, I'm your mother."

"What are you about to cook?"

"Everything. I need to cook something for you guys to take home and reheat to eat when you get back. I can only Imagine what you've been eating."

"Ramen and Doordash, you know I can't cook." I could make something small but nothing too complicated.

"That's terrible. I'm going to have to start coming down there and cooking for you."

"I'm fine." That's what I used to eat before I went to college anyway.

"I'm going to do it anyway, I don't care." She sounds like me right now.

"Okay mama. How are you?"

"I've been good."

"Yeah, but how are you really after everything? I'm sorry I haven't been able to check on you like I'm supposed to."

But I send her money every month, someone had to pick up the slack from my dad. She owns her own solon so she can easily pay the bills but the last thing I want is for her to feel overwhelmed about anything.

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