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onika maraj

I was supposed to be doing Teyanas hair and she was almost 30 minutes later. I should make her pay extra but I had nobody else's hair today so it was fine.

She called me when she was coming in and I stood by my door waiting for her. She came down the hallway in leggings and a tiny crop top. I could see her abs from here.

When she got to the door, she tried to give me a hug but I ducked under her arms.

"Don't try to give me a hug, you're almost an hour late."

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in some important things." She tried to give me a hug again and I let her this time.

"Important things like what?" We pulled away and I closed and locked the door.

"Getting fucked." She turned around and stuck her tongue out.

"Just nasty." I mumbled and followed her.

"You're just mad you get no play. You and that dry pussy haven't been touched since you got here."

"Teyana you just ate my pussy the other day, please girl." I made up a lie to distract from the fact that she was telling the truth.

"The other day when? You lie just to lie, it's crazy."

"Sit down right there." She sat down and I went behind her to look at her hair. It was already washed so I started to part it so I could braid it back for this wig. "If you didn't have a girlfriend it wouldn't be a lie."

"When we break up again, I got you." She was playing but I was serious.

"When?" If you're anticipating a breakup, maybe you don't need to be with that person.

"I feel it. She's guilty about something, that's why she keeps fucking me the way she is."

Not me I hope.

"Why would you stay with someone you know you're being sexually manipulated by?"

Did I mention I'm a psych major? I got into therapist mode fast.

"I love her."

"Love?" I shouldn't have even asked her any questions about her relationship. I didn't want to know this.

"Yeah, I mean we've been together for a year. We've been through a lot throughout that year and I helped her through a lot."

"So you feel like she depends on you for emotional support?"

"I guess. I wouldn't just want to abandon her."

I felt the same way with Bey. Sometimes even if you want to break up with someone, you can't because you don't know how they would live without you. No cocky shit.

I don't think she did it to try to purposely manipulate me like she is with Teyana. I just loved her too much.

"I get that." I think they just need time apart. I wasn't going to give her advice on how to better her relationship with my ex.

She's my friend and all but I hope their relationship fails. I don't want Bey anymore and I wouldn't get back with her but that doesn't mean I want to see her with anyone else.

"What about you?"

I chuckled, "What about me?"

"Why are you still single? I mean, you don't even sleep around like other single people. There's lots of people on and off campus that would love to take you out or just fuck you."

"I have my focus on other stuff, I'm not worried about dating. I don't want to be worried about another person until I'm all the way good. And sex is so meaningless to me."

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