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onika maraj

I woke up thinking about how fucked up Bey had me.

That bitch is wild. I mean she really has some nerve.

She took me to a party and left me because I was dancing with another guy? Then not even 30 minutes later some bitch has her feet in her lap.

I couldn't even have fun after that, I was asleep by midnight.

Because of that, I woke up extra early and decided to pay Bey a visit and hopefully wake her up. 

If I'm lucky I might find out who she was with last night if she's still there.

I took a quick shower and called an Uber to her apartment.

I was playing fighting music the whole way there. I might just have to beat someone's ass.

When I got to her apartment, I went straight up and started banging on the door since she was probably asleep.

She opened the door running her eyes in Polo pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt. "What the fuck do you want?"

I pushed her back and walked inside. "Let me ask you a question?"

"What? It's too early for this."

"Do you know how fucked up you have me? Like really, serious question."

She turned around and walked to her kitchen rolling her eyes. I should've just left but instead I followed her.

"No Onika. I don't know how fucked up I have you, let me know."

"Bitch, you think this is funny?" Everything in me wanted to slap her. She had me looking stupid in the middle of her kitchen.

She had the nerve to start making cereal mid conversation. "No. What I find funny is the fact that you're mad at all like you didn't start this."

"Me?! How?!" How does this bitches mind work?

"Onika, this nigga is in your face every chance he gets and you entertain it every single fucking time! You know his feelings for you aren't friday so why are acting like the shit is innocent?!"

Why is she yelling at me?

Now I have to be louder. "It is for me! I was just playing with him, it wasn't anything serious for me!"

"But he doesn't think so! Why do you think it's okay to let him dance with you and buy you food knowing he wants you?!"

This is why I didn't want to have sex too early.

"Why are you acting like your innocent?! You had a bitch in your car!"

"This isn't about me! We're talking about you right now!"

"This isn't about you?! Nigga, we're fucking talking about you now. Who was that bitch?"

Just seeing her doing normal shit was pissing me off. She really say down with her bowl of cereal like we weren't arguing.

"We were just smoking."

I scoffed, "Just smoking? Do I look dumb to you?"

She looked at me and shrugged while taking eating more cereal. "I'm serious. We just smoked and I let her pick the music. I guess I wasn't paying attention and she slick posted the picture, I didn't even know about it until you called me."

I believe her. If she actually did anything, she would've said it just to get a reaction out of me.

"Really? Well I kissed Kofi." I might as well just tell her, I don't want her to find out later.

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