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onika maraj

Monday, I was in class on time. Teyana wasn't, but that wasn't a surprise.

I was happy. I felt guilty talking to her for some reason. Her girlfriend is in love with me.

I can't help it, look at me. I can't stop people from being in love with me, especially Bey.

Teyana walked in looking good. She was just in pajama pants and a crop top but she made it look so good. I'll never get tired of looking at her abs.

"Good morninggg." She pulled my head back and kissed my forehead when she was directly behind me.

"You look good." I need to start working out with her.

"Do I? I'm hungover as hell." She sat down and pulled her rose gold Macbook out, we had matching ones.

"You went out without me?" I felt betrayed.

"It was a date, my bad. Someone's having a midnight pool party at a Bnb, let's go."

"Where?" I didn't care, I would probably go anyway.

"I don't know where exactly but it's really not far. Bey could take us."

"We haven't done a single by ourselves since we got back with her Tey." I whined, I'm tired of seeing Bey everywhere.

"That's not true so stop lying. She's barely ever around us."

"Okay whatever. Let's get food after school, I want some Jamaican food."

"I don't have my car, I'll have to call Bey."

"Barely anyone in college has a car, let's be like them and walk or take an Uber."

"Do you not like my girlfriend?"

"I don't know her enough to have an opinion on her. It's not about her, I just want to spend some time with just you. Plus, you guys are always arguing and it's awkward for me."

All they do around me is argue or kiss.

"I promise we won't argue, we're good right now. We don't even have to talk to her, we can sit in the back and treat her like an Uber driver."

"I guess." Teyanas lazy ass just doesn't like walking, her car needs to hurry up and get fixed.

Our professor walked in so we stopped talking to try and pay attention. Halfway through the call Teyana tapped my shoulder and shoved her phone in my face angrily.

At first my heart dropped because I thought it was something of Bey and I. But I moved her arm back so I could see and it was a dm.

It was unread so I couldn't see the whole thing but basically some girl India was coming to her as a woman.

Damn. Bey needs to do better.

"What are you gonna say to her?"


"What are you gonna do to your girlfriend?"

"I don't know, I don't even know what they did."

"Do you think she would tell you the truth?"

"No, all she does is lie."

"R- oh." I almost agreed with her.

"I'll just see what happens when I see her in the car."

"You said no arguing. Let's just walk."

"I'll text her and solve this before we have to get in the car with her, I promise."

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