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onika maraj

It was Beys birthday and boy, did she have me working.

She said the only thing she wanted was sex and she meant it. I made a mistake of getting us a hotel and I woke up this morning with dick in my mouth.

We've been going at it for hours since then. After the second cramp, I had to stop her. She wore me out.

"I didn't even get to give you your gifts." I could barely talk but I hope she understood me.

"I don't care about gifts, I got what I wanted. You."

"Well I spent a lot of money on these gifts so you better act like you care." I'm serious, I don't care if it's fake.

She sat up and chuckled. "Okay. Show me what you got me."

I tried to get out of bed and fell to the floor. It wasn't even because Beys dick was big or anything, we just went at it for so long that it was hard to move my legs after the positions she had me in.

I struggled on the floor all the way to the closet of the hotel and opened it. That's where I hid all of Beys gifts.

There was three boxes and a couple bags.

I managed to stand up and place the bags on the bed. "Happy birthday, enjoy."

"Thank you." She poked her lips out and I gave her a kiss.

"Mhm. Open these presents up."

She started to unwrap the boxes first. The first one was a pair of retro Jordan 1's. All three boxes were shoes. University Blue Jordan 4's and Yeezy slides in the other two.

By the time she finished opening all three of the boxes, she was over the moon and all over me. She tackled me and showered me with kisses. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you, sexy mama."

Sexy mama? That's a new one.

"You're welcome, you deserve it." That's not all the way true but it's her birthday. "Open the rest of your gifts."

She got off me and reached for a bag. "I feel like I owe you something for all this."

"My birthdays in three months, show out."

"You already know I got you."

I watched her open the rest of the presents with a smile on my face. Seeing her happy made me happy.

I spent a bag on her. I got her clothes, socks, a watch, and a bunch of snacks. I also got her a photo album of us but that didn't cost much.

I had to take a picture of her with all the gifts I got her so she could send it to her mom and sister.

After all that, plus all the sex, I was tired. "We definitely slept through hotel breakfast and I need a couple more hours of sleep. Do you just want to get lunch later?"

"I'm hungry now. You can sleep and I'll get something quick to eat."

I frowned. "So you're just going to get food without me?"

"...You just said you wanted to sleep."

"Okay? That means you have to get food without me?"

"I- I'll just take a nap with you and we can go eat later."

I already knew she was lying. "Fine, whatever."

"So what's the plan for today?"

"I have a reservation at a restaurant but we don't have to go there because Lauren sent me the information to this party or club thing. Either way, it looked cool."

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