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onika maraj

I didn't talk to Teyana until the day we were going to the pool party. I texted her and I asked her if we were still going and she said yes.

I had to ask because she didn't text me for a couple days. She didn't show up to class so I didn't hear from her at all.

I asked if I could bring Lauren, I needed her as a buffer. Ever since what Bey told me, I've been lowkey side eyeing her in my head.

I'm going to find out today. I could really get the truth out of her after a couple shots.

I was excited. It was a midnight pool party at an Airbnb.

I looked good too. I was wearing a pink bikini with distressed shorts over my bottoms and pink sandals. I had two anklets on both my feet and longish pink nails.

Lauren was wearing a bikini top too but she was wearing a cover up skirt. I'm glad, I didn't want us to be wearing anything too similar.

We were sitting around waiting for Tey to text me.

"Do you like Bey? Teys girlfriend?" Lauren asked me this so out the blue.

"Why?" I'm skeptical. That's a weird question to ask.

"I don't know, it just doesn't really seem like you like her. You always ignore that she's even in the room."

"I don't know her. I don't ignore her, she's just not all in my face like she's in yours trying to fuck."

That made Lauren start laughing. "She doesn't want to fuck me for real, she has a girlfriend."

"So she didn't already?"

Lauren found that hilarious. She was laughing so hard, she couldn't catch her breath.

My phone went off and it was a text from Tey. She said she was down the street and we should come out now.

"They're outside. Let's go." I got all my stuff and so did Lauren. I must've said the funniest joke in the world because for whatever reason she had to force herself to stop laughing.

We went downstairs and outside just as Beys car was pulling up. After the car stopped, we got in the back on different sides.

"Hey." Lauren and I both said hi at the same time which made us laugh.

"Onika why haven't you been texting me?" She does this every single time like she's my girlfriend.

"Don't even start. You've been ignoring me for the past couple days, you didn't even come to class."

She looked back at me and stuck her tongue out. "I was laid up."

I ignored her and turned to Lauren. "Are you going to get in the water?"

"Hell no."

"Me either. My hair is way too cute."

"I hope I don't get too drunk. I get sloppy and slutty."

I laughed, "We'll stay together and take care of each other because me too. I like to fight too."

The drive was kinda long but it wasn't that bad. We got to the Airbnb and it was already packed. We could hear the music before we even got out the car.

We went to the door and before we could even walk in, we were handed shots.

"Y'all are going to stay together?" Bey pointed between Lauren and I.

"Yeah. I'll text Tey if anything happens."

"Be safe and all that. I don't mind beating anyones ass, just let me know."

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