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onika maraj

The next day I only had one class in the morning so I was doing hair for the rest of the day.

I swear I'm going to have arthritis by 25.

After I was done doing hair, I ordered some food for Lauren and I and we ate in our dorm. We've gotten closer since our first time hanging out, she's cool.

I was in bed about to go to sleep when I got a call from an unknown number. This time I knew it was Bey. I'm still not saving her number.

My dumbass decided to answer. "Hello?"

"I'm outside."

"And?" I don't see what that has to do with me.

"I told you I wanted to tell you something. I brought you a slushee."

"What flavor?"

"Sour green apple."

"Okay, I'm coming down." I love sour stuff. I was going to hear her out either way, I don't like not knowing stuff.

"Okay. Hurry up before it melts."

"Don't tell me what to do. Bye." I hung up and got out of bed.

I got my keys and left in what I was wearing. I walked extra slow just because she told me to hurry up.

Her car was parked in the same spot it was in the last time she came to talk to me. I walked around to the passenger side and got in.

She was playing Power Trip by J. Cole ft Miguel but she turned if down when I got in.

"Hey. Here." She handed me the slushee with a straw and I took it.

"Thank you." I put the straw in the cup and started drinking. It was good so I wouldn't be that mean.

"Before I say what I have to say, promise you won't hit me and you'll let me fishing before you say anything."

"Girl, just talk." It's not that serious.

"I think I lied about why we broke up."

"You think?" What does that even mean?

"I- I don't know. I'm confused right now."

"What happened?"

"So after everything happened, I was on drugs heavy. Like a lot more than weed, I wasn't really ever present. I would just be blacked out or sleeping for days. Tey would be over at my apartment to take care of me because I was so depressed. The-"

"I just still can't understand why you never told me. I was your girlfriend, you know I wouldn't judge you."

I did notice she wasn't really texting me back and she was acting weird but I thought it was just the distance.

"I was embarrassed, I didn't want you to think less of me. I know it was dumb but I wasn't thinking."

"Okay, back to your story."

"After seeing you and having to explain everything, I started to realize it wasn't really adding up. I don't even remember actually breaking up with you, Tey just told me I did and why. I don't think it was actually me that did it. I think she did it and tricked me into believing I did it so her and I could be together."

"Hm." This is interesting information.

If what Beys saying is true, I won't feel guilty about what I'm doing. I might also choke her out in her sleep.

"You know how I feel about you, I don't think any amount of drugs would've made me break up with you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" That's what I'm still not understanding.

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