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Onika Maraj

It was officially homecoming at TSU and I was ready to show my ass. So was Bey.

We were going to start out with a frat party. She just wanted to go so she could do her fake wannabe drug dealer shit.

It might be fun and if it's not, we can just leave and go to a different thing.

I meant it when I said I was showing my ass this whole week. I was wearing a black leather skirt with a brown leather top.

My hair was perfect. Of course it was, I did it. Curly hair suits me.

Bey wanted me to get ready at her apartment with her but I was so all over the place and I didn't want to fuck her bathroom up with my makeup and hair stuff.

She texted me when she was outside and I made her wait probably 20 minutes so I could finish getting ready.

I got in her car and she was already smoking. She leaned over and I turned my head so she kissed my cheek instead of lips. "Hey."

"You don't want to kiss me?"

"Not with that weed breath. I have gum in my bag when you're done." No offense, but she can wait for a kiss.

She nodded and put the car in drive. I unplugged her phone from the aux and connected it to mine.

My music taste is way better. We needed to turn up so I played some Future. I love that nigga.

I had it sounding like a club all the way to the frat house.

When we got there, she had to park down the street because of how many cars there was. Bey opened my door then opened the backseat and got a backpack.

"Is Lauren here?"

"Yeah, I think she's here with someone."

"Go chill with her for a couple minutes while I handle this."

"Why'd you want me to come if you're going to leave me? At least let me come with you."

"It's just a couple minutes, you'll survive."

She put my arm around me and started walking. It was more like dragging than walking, she was taking such long strides.

"Slow the fuck down. Damn."

"Watch your mouth."

"Watch it for me." I want her to.

She slightly smirked, "I'll watch it for you when my dick is in it."

"I'm not sucking your dick." I still haven't and I don't plan on it yet.

"We'll see by the end of the night. Your hoe ass loves to suck dick after a couple shots of Hennessy."

"Can you not call me a hoe, bitch?" She's so disrespectful.

"Don't call me a bitch, shithead."

"Shithead? Grow the fuck up." That was such a middle school insult.

"Shut up." She held this clears door open for me and we walked inside.

I stopped walking and frowned. "You're really gonna leave me?"

"Just for couple minutes, I promise. Find Lauren and I'll come find you." She kissed my forehead and went up some stairs with her backpack.

I texted Lauren but she didn't text me back, she was probably busy having a good time.

It would be weird to just stand here and pray nobody bumps into me so I went looking for her.

I was walking around the frat house hoping she would notice me first and call out my name. I was getting annoyed already.

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