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onika maraj

The bitch blocked me. She didn't block my number but she blocked me on Instagram and Snapchat. That's how I know she's doing something she's not supposed to.

I called an Uber to her house. She's not about to play me, she must've really lost her mind.

I was pacing around the kitchen waiting for my Uber to get here. I thought she was just in her feelings, I didn't know she was actually going to start acting single.

"You okay?" I didn't even notice Lauren walk in.

"I'm fine."

She laughed, "You look like you want to beat someone's ass."

"This bitch has me so fucked up, I just might."

She really blocked me on Instagram and Snapchat? Did she think I wasn't going to notice?

"What bitch?"

"Just someone I'm talking to." I wasn't about to say it was Bey.

"The cute darkskin guy from the party or the person that was banging on our door the other day?"

"You heard that?" That's so embarrassing, I wonder what else she heard.

"Yeah, it woke me up. I was still drunk from the night before, that jungle juice was something serious."

"Oh. Well, yeah them."

My phone went off, it was my Uber. "My Ubers here, I have do go."

"Bye, go beat some ass. Text me what type of pizza you want, I'm gonna order some later."

I nodded and left. The driver kept trying to talk to me but after my short responses, he got the hint.

She dropped my off in front of Beys apartment building and I went up. As I was walking to her apartment, some girl was coming out of it.

It was the girl that came to Teyana as a woman.

She smirked and held the door open for me like she knew I was going in there. This bitch. She let go of the door when I was close enough to hold it.

This has to be a prank.

I walked into her apartment. I wasn't going to announce my presence, I was going to surprise her.

As I got closer to her room, I could hear her talking on the phone. It sounded like she was talking to a girl so I put my ear to the door.

"I'll come pick you up and show you my apartment, it's pretty cool." She's about to bring another girl here?

"Not today. But this weekend I can, I promise. I'm sorry, I haven't been feeling that good today." She feels good enough to have some bitch over.

I opened the door and she smiled. She didn't even look phased, she just waved me over.

"I'll cashapp you but only if you do me a favor when you get here."

A favor? Like head?

I held my hand out for her phone and she actually gave it to me. I put the phone to my ear, "Who the fuck is this?"


"Solo?" She was talking to her sister this whole time?

She fell out laughing, nothing was even funny. "Onika, never do that again. You're hilarious."

"Nothings funny Solange." Since were saying first names.

"You were ready to beat a bitches ass over my sister?"

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