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onika maraj

I've been avoiding Teyana all weekend. She's called and texted me but I only responded once to let her know I got home okay.

I made sure not to watch her story for two reasons. I didn't want to have to text her back after watching it but I half swiped her story and saw her in bed with Bey.

I've made other friends here that aren't fucking my ex.

My roommate is cool. I don't talk to her much because she's always out but we've talked a couple times and she's pretty funny.

She's short and whenever I see her she's half naked. No complaints from me.

I also met a group of girls, they're pretty okay. I was supposed to hang out with them this weekend but I pretended to be sick.

On Monday, I couldn't avoid Teyana anymore. I had class with her.

I contemplated skipping but we were getting an important paper today.

I got to class before Teyana and put my hood on and my head down. I didn't want to explain why I haven't talked to her this whole weekend.

I couldn't. I felt her pull my hood off. "Why have you been ignoring me all weekend?" She sits down in her permanent seat right next to me.

I raised my head up, "Hm?"

"I know you've seen my texts."

"I've been busy. My bad."

"Busy doing what?"

"Hair." That wasn't a complete lie.

"Hair? You couldn't have sent me a quick text telling me that?"

"I know I'm your play girlfriend but I'm not your real one." I used to date her real one. "I'll text you next time, my bad."

"You're acting just like her dumb hoe ass. I'm over her."

I didn't want to ask what she did, I didn't care. "Didn't you guys just get together?"

"We've been together for a while. She doesn't know how to act, she's a kid compared to me. She's always doing some dumb shit."

I can't relate. When she was with me, she was under me at all times.

She was so obsessed with me. That's why I was so confused when she broke up with me out of the blue. We were supposed to make long distance work, it was only for a year.

It doesn't matter anymore, that's in the past. Fuck her.

"I felt that." I was just saying stuff, I didn't want to talk about Bey.

"Do you want to go to the mall after class?"

"Do you know how far away the mall is?"

"I have a car and it's not like either of us have anything better to do."

I guess she's right. I don't have to stop being her friend just because she's dating my ex.

"Okay, we can go right after class. I need to be back for one of my classes."

We tried to pay attention for the rest of class. After class was over, we left and started driving to the mall.

"Girl where did you get that from?" I noticed a diamond tennis bracelet on her arm.

"I don't know, my girlfriend got it for me."

Don't be a hater. Don't be a hater. Don't be a hater. Don't be a hater.

"She did? It's cute and it looks expensive."

She smiled and took her hand off the wheel to show me the bracelet. "Mhm, my girl sells drugs."

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