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beyoncé knowles

I was going to fuck Onika today.

She said we could have sex when we got back from seeing our parents and we were back from seeing our parents, so it was time.

She asked me to come over and watch a movie but I knew what she really meant.

I wore grey sweatpants and trimmed my pubes, she refuses to suck hairy balls. It looks better that way so I don't mind doing it.

I scrubbed my ass and armpits extra well too. Under no circumstances could I be musty.

Sex music blasted in car all the way to her house. I was about to put it down on her little ass, she wasn't ready.

She's really going to be in love with me after this. I'm going to make her tell me today.

Knowing her, she's probably going to make me give her head first so I kept opening and closing my mouth to stretch.

When I got to her dorm building, I started running and didn't stop until I was at her door.

I knocked on the door a couple times and she opened the door in sex clothes. She was wearing tiny shorts that I knew I would be able to see the bottom of her butt in and a tank top.

"Hey baby. You ready?" I didn't even hug her, I just walked in.

She turned around confused. "Ready for what? To watch Minions?"

She's so childish, she invited me over here to watch the new Minions movie.

I'll go along with her lie. "Yeah, sure."

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

For her.

"No, let's just go to your room." I was ready to get into things.

She took my hand and led me to her room. She could've walked me into a wall and I wouldn't have noticed, my eyes were glued to her ass.

Before I knew what I was doing, I roughly grabbed it and she moaned.

She looked back and mugged me. "Keep your hands to yourself."

"My bad." It wasn't my bad, I'm glad I did it.

I didn't realize I was still grabbing it until she pushed my hand away. We went into her room and I didn't waste any time taking my shirt off.

"What are you doing?" I don't know why she was still looking confused.

"Just getting more comfortable." I got into her bed and put my hand out so we could cuddle.

She pulled the blanket back and got on the bed. I pulled her closer to her ass was right on my dick.

She looked back and rolled her eyes but she didn't say anything. It's obvious what I came here for, she knows too, she just likes to play dumb at first.

It's like a game for her, she used to do it all the time. She calls me over and acts like she's not in the mood and then she starts rubbing her ass on me until I give her what she wants.

She turned the movie on and I accidentally got into it. Why was this actually good?

Five minutes into the movie, she scooted back a little. She could've either been doing this to get comfortable or she was doing her regular thing.

I put my hand under her tank top and started rubbing from her stomach up to right before her boobs started.

She wasn't wearing a bra, she already knew what type of time we're about to be on.

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