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Advanced Nurturing High School, a prestigious school with state-of-the-art facilities where 100% of its enrollees go to university or find employment. Quite frankly I hold no interest on the school's  facilities or it's supposed promises. The only thing I wanted was the school's prohibition of outside contact. For the next three years, I will have no contact with 'that man'. Ridding my head of useless thoughts, I pay attention to the outside world. The cool wind and clear sky was refreshing. It was a very cozy feeling. Closing my eyes and leaning my head against the window, I try to rest.

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?"

A sharp voice rang out. It seems that my momentary peace and solace was interrupted. Opening my eyes I look to see what the commotion was about. Was the lady perhaps referring to me? Looking around it seems to not be the case, seeing that I wasn't related to me, I went back trying to rest.


"...Honestly, just listen to what adults say!"

They're still not done? Hasn't this gone long enough already. After a few more back and forths between the office lady and the haughty blonde man, it seems that the blonde has emerged victorious is this moral problem. Seeing that the problem has been "resolved", I was glad. I could finally go back to enjoying this new found freedom.

"Um...  I also think that the lady is right."

Uwaa... Another challenger approaches, trying to resolve this moral dilemma. I was slowly starting to get tired of this farce.

"Everyone. Please listen to me for at least a little bit. Can anyone give their seat for the old woman Please, anyone."

 It seems that her plan to resolve the situation consisted of bothering everyone around her and guilt tripping those who are vulnerable to these kinds of attacks. Personally, I didn't get myself involved because I agreed, at least in part, with the words of the haughty boy. Wanting to not prolong this no longer I decided to  act.

"Here, she can take my seat."

My monotone voice rang out. The moment I uttered those words, all attention was brought to me. Seeing the consequences of my actions I inwardly regret my decision to help the woman.

Putting my hands on my thighs and standing up, I make my way to the old lady and guide her to my seat. Having to stand up the whole duration of the ride I release a small sigh.

As I mull in regret for my decisions, A tap of my shoulder pulled me away from my thoughts.

"Hey, thank you for offering your seat to the old lady. It really looked like she needed it." The nice girl said. "My name is Kushida Kikyou, Class 1-D."

This would mark my first interaction with people other than Matsuo or White Room instructors. Matsuo had taught me a lot of things when I first underwent his care. He told me a lot of things about the outside world and how people normally  interacted with each other. He was also the one who brought this school to my attention.

"Nice to meet you, Kushida-san. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyone and It's nothing really.  Anyone would have done the same. You were really brave for helping the office lady earlier. " Making eye contact with her and tugging the corner of my lips upwards as I replied.

Gauging her reaction it seems that my first impression was bad. She was silent and a So were the ones behind her. This might be a reasonable reaction, it was my first time smiling, even if it was not sincere. It must have been awkward, trying to salvage the situation I call out to her.

"Ano... Kushida-san?"

"O-oh, my bad. It's nice to meet you Ayanokouji-san. It seems were in the same class! Let's do our best to make our time together a prosperous one." she said with a smile after regaining her composure.

The bus soon arrived at the destination and stopped at the school. Making my way out of the bus with Kushida, we walked towards the school entrance.

Suddenly, a voice called out.


Looking back I see a girl with long black hair and gradient red eyes. Signaling to Kushida that I'll catch up, I make my way towards the unknown girl.

Thank you for reading. This chapter was a mess, back when I was just a lurker I criticized the works I read in my head and point out what they could have done to make it better. Now that I'm actually writing I just want to say that dang, writing is hard. I almost killed myself three times during the duration of writing this.

[Discontinued] Female Ayanokouji and Random One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now