Merit-Based World

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End of Homeroom, May 1st.

For the first time since my admission to this class, the normally occurring chatter and noise during class was unheard.

The class was wrapped in a veil of silence. Not one student spoke a word.

Earlier at homeroom, the class was told the fact that they would not be receiving any points for this month. Chiyabashira-sensei said that the amount of points given is a reflection of the class' worth.

This effectively means that the school, over a month of observation and monitoring, has judged the collective class' worth to be equivalent to zero.

Adding fuel to the fire to this "revelation" was the information that any student who receives a failing on either a midterm or a final exam in any subject, would have to transfer out.

Some students, like Hirata Yousuke, had tried to argue how the school had not mentioned the fact that the number of points transferred would be based on the class' behavior but all of his arguments are brought down through Chiyabshira-sensei logic and common sense.

After a while, nervous and anxious mutterings resounded around the classroom.

"What am I going to do without any more points...?"

"I used up the remainder of my points yesterday..."

"Am I really going to be stuck on that free lunch they offer at the cafeteria...?"

...are some of the muttering that I picked up on.

I was baffled on how they were able to reduce an initial 100,000 points to a nigh unusable level. That much point or money should be able to last you a month or two if you use it right. 

"I understand that everyone is panicking right now, but calm down."

Hirata took control of the class, trying to calm the sense of impending crisis.

"How can we calm down in this situation? Are you not frustrated that we are the class of leftovers?!"

Much like telling a nervous person to do their best, telling an angry person to calm down is a bit similar. They just don't work most of the time. Yukimura Kesei's anger was by no means placated.

"Even if I say I am, isn't it better to work together to get out of this situation?"

"Get out of this situation? In the first place, I don't even agree with this hierarchy of classes!"

"I completely understand your feelings. However, there's no use in sitting here and complaining about it."


Yukimura walked up to Hirata and grabbed him by his collar.

Initially, I wanted to leave them to their own devices. I saw that they could work whatever it is that they need to work out in order for the class to move forwards, but sensing that the situation was escalating  to an undesirable one, I quickly move to intervene.

Standing up, I make my way towards the two arguing boys.

"Let's try to think about this problem rationally, okay."

I tried to make my voice as calm as possible. Tone is a very crucial factor that can influence the development of an argument. I wanted to ease their worries and placate they as much as possible. Though I do wonder how much of my tone changed compared to how it normally is.

I separated the two in order to relieve the tension. Gently taking Yukimura's balled fist in my hand I tried to put some sense into the angry boy.

"I understand your frustration, Yukimura-kun. I believe everyone here does, but I have to agree with Hirata-kun's opinion. It is much better for all of us to persevere through this situation than operate by fragments or individually. Class is a collective term after all."

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