Bus Scene <Kushida POV>

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Seeing that the poor office lady was being triumphed by the blonde, I make my way towards to situation.

"Um... I also think that the lady is right." 

I said to try to diffuse the situation and make the blonde realize his faults. Unfortunately, it seems that it had not gone through. With no possible way to remedy the situation, I call out to the others in the bus.

"Everyone. Please listen to me for at least a little bit. Can anyone give their seat for the old woman. Please, anyone." 

Looking around I try to find someone who would extend their help. Some were pensive, some were indifferent, and some were quite annoyed. 

'Tch! Fucking help me here would you. Bastards.'


A voice rang out. As I glanced towards the origin of the sound I saw a girl. She had a sleek, medium-length, curly, brown hair reaching just below her jaw. Her bangs gearing towards the left side of her face, had gradient gold-brown eyes, and a mole just below her right eye. The girl had a mature and aloof look on her face. Quite frankly she was incredibly beautiful.

"-she can take my seat" she said with her hands raised.

Putting down her hands she stood up. It was a very prim and graceful action, it was as if she was the picture example of the word "ladylike". Making her way to the old lady, she guided her to the now free seat.

Now that the situation has been resolved, I observed the lady to see what she would do next. She stood there with a sigh, her right hand grabbing the bus's stanchions. Seeing this as a good time to get acquainted with her, I try to get her attention.

Tapping her shoulders I call out to her.

"Hey, thank you for offering your seat to the old lady. It really looked like she needed it." 

"My name is Kushida Kikyou, Class 1-D."

"Nice to meet you, Kushida-san. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyone and It's nothing really. Anyone would have done the same. You were really brave for helping the office lady earlier. " the girl, who I now know as Ayanakouji replied.

I knew before I talked to her that she was beautiful, now that I have interacted with her, I came to understand how I underplayed her beauty. Those half closed eyes and that slight slime was ethereal. Her voice was soothing, like a mantra it was reverberating inside my head. Though it was a bit monotone it did not feel cold and unfeeling. Rather, it was endearing. 

"Ano... Kushida-san?"  

Her voice cutting through my thoughts, I came to the realization that I had zoned out for too long.  Red assaulting my face I try to regain my composure.

'What happened earlier. That smile is too dangerous, Ayanokouji-san!'

"O-oh, my bad. It's nice to meet you Ayanokouji-san. It seems were in the same class! Let's do our best to make our time together a prosperous one."

My words came a bit to formal for my liking but at least I didn't make a fool of myself. Signaling the end of our conversation we both wait in peace for the bus to arrive at our destination.

A few minutes passed and the bus had stopped. Wanting to spend more time with Ayanokouji and seeing that we belong on the same class, I proposed that we walked to class together to which she pleasantly agreed.

As if being healed by her presence, for once I felt optimistic for this school year.

[Discontinued] Female Ayanokouji and Random One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now