Swimming Pool Fun

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"Hasebe's not here! What, what is this?! Professor!"

As soon as we came out from the changing room, a loud voice got our attention. 

It seems that the voice came from Ike.  Ike, Yamauchi, and the "Professor" looked around the pool, looking to find where the other girls were.

Back in the changing room, I noticed that not all the girls were present. People like Hasebe, Sakura, and Karuizawa were nowhere to be found. Thus, I was curiously looked around.

Did they get to the changing room late? Were they still changing? One by one, the girls whom I had not seen appeared on the second floor. The girls above wore unamused expressions. 

"I thought I would get to see big breast~!"

Contemplating suicide, Ike shouted in agony, loud enough for the girls on the observation deck to hear.

So this was the reason for Ike and Yamauchi's excitement earlier. Back in the White Room, gender doesn't really matter. All of us would change in the same room; whether we were male or female. So long as you get the "training rooms" or "classrooms" in time. 

Was looking forward to seeing other people's body normal? 

Murmurs spread among the girls, I couldn't really hear them since they were quite far away.

"Ike, this isn't the time to be sad. There are a lot of other girls!"

"Y-yeah. Anyone's fine. This isn't a time to feel down!"


Yamauchi and Ike affirmed their friendship and clasped each other's hands. Pulling themselves out of a depressed state, I was intrigued on how quickly their moods can wax and wane.

Wanting to know more about the intricacies and peculiarity of how high school boys think I quickly approached my first two observation subjects.

"You two, what are you doing? Looks fun."


'Chan'? I had learned from Kikyo and Suzune that you would normally use the honorific "chan" for someone you are very close to. I do not recall being close enough to Ike to be called that. Ignoring his weird choice of words, I waited for his answer.

I felt everyone had their gazes on me. I felt their stares on my thoracic wall and gluteus. Somehow I could feel others staring at my abdomen...?

Normally places that are of interest to men, from what I have read, were erogenous zones of females. Namely, the rather superficial parts of the thoracic wall which includes the breast and other parts of the mammary organ. As well as the gluteus or the buttocks.

Are boys outside the White Room really this weird...?

"W-we were—"

Before Ike could finish his response, an arm linked to mine. It was Suzune. She whispered something to Ike and dragged me away from him. Looking back to Ike, it seems that he looked very terrifies. So were the boys behind.

Seeing as it doesn't concern me, I let it go and turn my attention towards Suzune. I didn't really pay attention to it much back in the changing room but now that she's in front of me, Suzune's body is not bad.

"You have a nice body, Suzune."


Suzune's face was painted crimson red. Did she think I was lying? I hope not, that was a genuine observation after all. 

"It's the truth, your arms are very slender and tones whilst your legs looks like it has been trained. Do you perhaps practice martial arts?"

Suzune Horikita P.O.V.

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