Our First Friends

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Today, we went over everything necessary in the school agenda. From the orientations, explanation of the S System, and mingling with other students. Once everything was over, it was now noon.

Majority of the students started heading to the dorms. The remaining students formed small groups and  walked towards the various facilities that the school offered. As expected, I've completely failed at making friends.

Dejectedly, I trudged towards the direction of the dorms. As I walked, I passed a convenience store. Wanting to buy some toiletries and necessities, I make my way inside the store. Of course, I was alone... I knew no one else apart from Kushida-san, Horikita-san, and Hirata-kun; all of whom are not here.

"... Another coincidence, I presume. Otherwise, I'd say you're stalking me. "

Once I entered the convenience store, I ran into Horikita again.

"Don't say such scary things, of course not. That said, did you also have stuff to buy?"

"Yeah, just a bit. I came to buy some necessities."

Horikita replied while examining a shampoo that she took from the shelf.

It seems that we had the same idea.  Given that, we were supposedly allocated 100,000 points per month, I noticed that she was doesn't go for good quality products. Often opting for the cheapest one available.

'At least I'm not the only one who has doubts on the S System.'

"It seems that we have the same idea, may I join you?"

I asked, my eyes shining with expectancy. This is the perfect time mingling with other people my age. Doing so, I can indirectly thank Matsuo-san for letting me experience a "normal life".

"No tha-"

Hearing the first few words of her reply, I unconsciously slump my shoulders.

"Haah... No problem. Suit yourself", she said exasperatedly.

As soon as she finished her reply, I was once again invigorated with energy. 

Wanting to know more on the extent of Horikita's knowledge in regard to the S System, I offhandedly mention my observations.

"I thought that girls paid more attention to what kind of shampoo they used."

"That depends on the type of person, no? On another note, what do you mean by 'I thought that girls paid more attention to what kind of shampoo they used.'? You say that as if you haven't interacted with other girls before."

It seems that my words had deviated from the S System and became focused on me. Thinking of a reply, I stop to think.

"I was homeschooled my whole life. Everything was provided for me, so I don't know what other people usually act like."

"I see, so that why you participated with the self-introductions, even though you don't seem competent enough to do it properly", she muttered.

That's a foul. Didn't she leave before I could even introduce myself? 

How can she accurately make an assumption based on the little amount of interaction we had? 

What is this power that I'm missing at?

Finishing up our shopping, we made our way towards the counter to get our items scanned. Walking towards the counter, we passed the instant food section. It was filled with a lot of things I was curious about.

Learning this kind of stuff was one of my goals in going to the convenience store.

Looking at the vast array of items, I pick one up. It was a really big cup noodle. A G-cup?

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