Club Fair I

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Ayanokouji Kiyone P.O.V.

"⁠—Thank you for being my second friend, Kikyou-san."

Kikyou-san was a big help to me. Learning, chatting, and interacting with others⁠⁠— I'm understanding more and more what friendship meant. Growing up in a place where positive relationship is fiction, I  grew up being curious about these things I have read.




What are those? Are they edible? Do they taste good? Countless philosophers orated their soliloquies in written form, reading them all, I still couldn't fathom the idea of the existence and necessity of friendship. 

Lewis said that friendship is a lot like the need or pleasure for basic human needs such as food and water, but in an intangible form. Instead of prolonging survival, friendship gives value to survival. 

Another great philosopher, Thoreau, claims that friendship constantly challenges those who enter into it to be the best that they can be, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not friends with that man.

Maybe it was the fact that I had to actually interact with people in order to test their theories about friendship. Hearing Kikyou's words granted a clear definition of the concept of friendship, much clearer than what I got through reading books written by established geniuses in the field of Philosophy.

"Today, at 17:00 in the gymnasium number 1, there will be a club fair. For those of you with an interest in clubs, please come to gymnasium number 1"

A girl with a cute voice made an announcement over the speaker.

Repeating the announcement a number of times, a chime sounded through the speakers of the school, indicating that the PA was over. Hearing the sound, we turned our attention to our table and focused back on eating our lunches.

 Maya, Chiaki, and Kei talked and asked me some questions as they continued to eat their food. Satsuki, Mei-Yu, and Yousuke just listened. Glancing at Kikyou, I noticed that she was silent. 

Noticing that she hasn't touched her food, I concluded that she was in a daze due to  hunger. Kikyou hasn't taken a bite out of her food since the beginning of lunch, to the time the announcement rang out.

Not wanting her to remain hungry, I shake her shoulders and call out to her.

"Kikyou-san? You should start eating now. We only have a set amount of time every lunch."

"A-Ah... Kiyone-san, ye-yeah... You're right, I should eat now."

Kushida replied rather dejectedly? As if trying to placate my worries, she threw in a forced smile and began to eat, sighing from time to time.

Wow, was this how I also looked whenever I tried to smile? No wonder the reactions of people was silence. It's kind of hard to form words to say. Unable to think of a good ending for the conversation, I simply stayed quiet and ate my salad.

A few minutes passed, another bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. Picking up our trays and throwing away our disposables, we make our way out of the cafeteria and headed back to class.

Entering the classroom, all of us went to our respective seats and waited for the teacher to arrive. As soon as I sat on my seat, Suzune talked to me.

"How was it?"

That was kind of unexpected. She looked so engrossed in her book that I didn't really want to bother her. Still, I was happy that she talked to me.

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