Kiyotaka meets Kiyone

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As I have said in the previous chapter, I wanted to make an actual standalone oneshot for fun. So, here it is. This might be shorter than the other chapters but whatever goes....


Putting on my uniform I walk towards to the mirror. It has been  two weeks since I have been admitted to this school.  So far, everything has been going great with my peaceful life. Checking my hair and tugging the corners of my mouth, I practice to smile.

After spending a few minutes, I take a breath and make my way outside my dorm. Walking the corridor of the building, I went inside the elevator, pressing the button I descent. The weather was once again in my favor. 

The sun was shining brightly and the wind blows coolly. The temperature was perfect, neither too hot not too cold.

Reaching the entrance of the main building a sharp pain in my head. My vision blurs and my surroundings fade to black. As I opened my eyes I see myself standing in from of the entrance of the building.

'Was that just my imagination? '

Thinking nothing of it, I put it as my body just adjusting to new stimuli, i.e. the outside world. Going inside the building, I noticed something different.

'Aren't I getting more stares this time?'

Was there something wrong with my uniform? Did I put on different pairs of socks? Was the zipper on my skirt opened? A variety of different questions assaulted my mind. 

Checking myself, I find that the answer to those were "No". Trying to ignore these thoughts, I briskly make my way to my classroom. Opening the door, I was once again subjected to curious stares.

'This is getting old...'

I thought as I made my way to my seat. Hanging my bag at the side of my desk, I sat down. Looking to my right I see my seatmate staring at me with furrowed brows and confused eyes. Horikita looks funny like that. I would have laughed out loud if I'm able to.

Looking like she was about to talk to me, I was surprised. It was normally me who initiated the conversation and not the other way around. Before she could speak, she was interrupted when another student went inside the room.

The boy was tall with brown hair and brown eyes. I didn't know that the school was accepting transferees a week into the school year.  Apart from from our heights, our appearance is almost uncanny. 

'Wouldn't it be funny if we were long lost twins. fufufu'

Having such weird thoughts I inwardly chuckle.

The walked towards me. Looking up, I met with his eyes. His eyes had a bored look same as mine.

'Okay, this is getting weirder...'

"May I know why you're on my seat?", the boy asked. His voice apathetic and monotone.

'My seat? '

"You say that this is your seat? I quite remember that this is my seat. You can ask Yousuke-kun or Kikyou-chan if you don't believe me", I replied with an equally monotonous voice.

"First name basis?!"


"Do you know her Hirata-kun?"

"Tch, die ikemen!"

I heard murmurs in the class. Quite frankly there is a matter more important at hand so I ignored it.

"There must be a misunderstanding here. I doubt that the school would accept transferees two months into the school year. Even if they did, wouldn't you be introduced during homeroom?"

[Discontinued] Female Ayanokouji and Random One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now