Club Fair II

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Ayanokouiji Kiyone P.O.V.

The class spent the majority of their time in class loafing around. They did whatever they wanted. Some talked to their seatmates, some played games, some outright slept, and one of my classmates just looked at his mirror, combing his hair for the whole duration of the class.

Looking around, it seems that only Suzune and I as well as a handful of others were the only ones paying attention in class.

After a few hours, a bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. The students quickly packed their bags and left the classroom. Remembering that I'll attend the club fair with Suzune, I quickly did the same.

Putting my books into my bag, I glanced at Suzune. She was also packing up. Finishing earlier than her, I went outside the classroom and waited for her to arrive.

Standing up from her seat, she made her way towards me, bag in hand. After exchanging some pleasantries, we walked towards Gymnasium #1.

Arriving to the gymnasium, we quickly went inside.

"Wow, it's bigger than I thought it'd be."

Almost everyone there were first years; not counting the people giving pamphlets, I could estimate that there were at least a hundred people waiting nearby.

Waiting around the back, we waited for the club fair to start.

"So, do you have any idea on what clubs you want to join?"

"This is my first time hearing about clubs. I don't really know what clubs exist out there."

The white room didn't have clubs. It was just training and punishments. I listened to the conversation of my classmates back in the classroom. I heard Ike saying that he wanted to join the "Swimsuit Appreciation Club".

What is a swimsuit appreciation club? It was so hyper specific that I concluded that there could literally be a club for anything? If Ike could join a Swimsuit Appreciation Club, then could there also be a Freedom Club? Having such thoughts, I let chuckle in my mind. 

"Clubs can be divided into two types; sports clubs and culture clubs. To start, do you like to play sports or do you have any specific hobbies that you do?"

As expected of Suzune, I'm learning more and more from her everyday. I could say that I'm very proficient in almost all forms of martial arts, but not wanting to stand out too much, I opted to join a more hobbyist type of club.

"I don't really want to do sports. I do know piano, calligraphy, and tea ceremony, though."

"Hmmm... If that's the case, you can join culture clubs. It's very likely that a club exists that relate to your hobbies."

"... I don't really think I'm a fan of joining clubs. I just want to enjoy my year with you and the others in our class."

To be perfectly honest, I just wanted to check the club fair for the sake of it. It's normal to go to club fairs in high school, right? Then again, isn't it also normal to join clubs in high school? Maybe I'll join if something interest me.


I noticed that Suzune was not talking. She was red, and her face had this weird smile. Was she perhaps sick? Did she accept my invitation despite not feeling well? Worriedly, I tiptoed and pressed my forehead against hers.


Suzune screamed, earning the attention of everyone in the vicinity. Her face became an even darker shade of red. 

'Hmmm... She wasn't hot, it seems that it's not a fever. What ever could be bothering her? Maybe I'll check the internet-sensei later to see if he can give me an answer.'

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