High School Students are Weird...

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The unknown girl and I stared at each other in silence. I didn't really know what she wanted. She seemed very confident on her ability to swim, so there is a possibility that she was mad that there was someone better than her in her supposed forte.



Why is she just staring at me? Should I just leave? This is taking a bit too long.


After a few minutes of silence, she finally began to speak. I could sense a bit of frustration in here voice. Maybe she really is mad...

"Join the swimming club! You have a lot of potential! It's a bit frustrating that you're much faster than me, but as a member of the swimming club, I can't not recruit you! C'mon! Join us! Join us!"

It seems that I was mistaken. I thought that she would be mad but looking at her eyes, it was sparkling. A hint of frustration was blown away the moment she spoke and was replaced with awe and excitement.

Again, I am seeing such quick change in moods from students my age. If I continue to go here and continue to do my normal everyday life, would I be able to do the same?

I wanted to respond but I didn't really know her name... I'll just phrase my answers in which it doesn't require the use of her name.

"Sorry... I don't really plan on joining any clubs."

As soon as I replied, I tried to turn and leave. Suddenly a hand clasped my shoulders once more.

"W-wait, Ayanokouji-san! You don't have to attend every practice! I could tell from your speed you're very proficient in swimming. You can just attend the competitions! C'mon Ayanakouji-san, it'll be fun!"

This girl is persistent. I said already that I didn't want to join, what did she not understand there? Plus, we have barely interacted with each other, I don't think you should be that forward with someone.

"Sorry, I'm currently not interested in joining clubs. Please ask someone else."

"H-hey, Don't sa—"

"Onodera-san, can't you see you're bothering Ayanokouji?"

I was slowly getting tired of this needless solicitation. Thankfully, Matsushita arrived to keep this girl, whom I now know as Onodera, in check.

"You don't understan..."

"I do but..."

Seeing that Onodera was still not giving up, I snuck out of the conversation and made my way towards Kikyou and Suzune.

"Didn't you say that you were neither good nor bad in swimming. I'm sure that display earlier constitutes as good, excellent even."

"Yeah, Kiyone-chan. You were like zoom! You were so fast earlier!"

This conversation, I really didn't want to answer. I didn't even do it on purpose. Had I not lost control earlier, I would have picked a much more normal score.

"Haah... Never mind, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

After saying so, Suzune pat my head. Her weird actions felt... okay.  

"Unnnn..... No fair, I want in too~!"

With pouted lips, Kikyou pulled my arms and enveloped my in a tight hug. She hugged me with one arm, her chin resting on my shoulders, and her other arm atop my head going on a rubbing motion.

The cozy atmosphere was now replaced with a tense one.  Suzune, to a normal person's perspective, would look very scary. Though her face didn't show it, her eyes certainly did. 

[Discontinued] Female Ayanokouji and Random One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now