We Ate and had Fun

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Hirata Yousuke P.O.V.

Seeing that no one else wanted to join our little group, we made our way outside the classroom and walked towards the direction of the cafeteria.

Our group consisted of Sato Maya, Karuizawa Kei, Matsushita Chiaki, Shinohara Satsuki, Mei-Yu Wang, Kushida Kikyou, and Ayanokouji Kiyone.

"Did you see the dress in..."

"Who did you vote for the..."

"Have you seen the new game released by...."

Various conversations and friendly banter surrounded our group. Noticing that Ayanokouji wasn't participating. I looked back and noticed she was trailing a few steps behind us. Not wanted her to get left out, I called out to her.

"Why don't you join us, Ayanokouji-san?"

Noticing what happening, Kushida quickly supported my words.

"Yeah, Ayanokouji-san! Come join us, it'll be fun!"

"I am joining you? I thought I was allowed to join you for lunch. Was that not the case earlier?"

It seems that she misunderstood my words. By now, the conversations happening in the background mellowed out, their attention turned to our interaction. Not wanting to prolong the misunderstanding, I quickly went to clear my words.

"I meant, how about you join the conversation. You can get to know people more by talking with them."

A flash of understanding washed over her eyes.

"Sorry, Hirata-kun, Kushida-san. I just couldn't relate to the topics being brought up in the conversation. Not wanting to ruin the mood, I just stayed silent."

Though she apologized, her voice maintained an emotionless tone. This was something that I noticed with Ayanokouji, although her eyes and lips would, from time to time, express very slight hints of emotion, her overall demeanor screamed apathy.

"Apart from you two, I do not know the names of the other people in the group", she continued with a small voice.

Seeing our exchange, the other girls joined in our conversation. At least Ayanokouji's involved now. I inwardly smile.

"You participated in the class introduction, right?"

"Are we that unimportant that you forgot us?"

"How come you remember Hirata's though?"

"Do you know others except Kushida-san and Hirata-kun?"

A number of questions and teases headed towards Ayanokouji's way, trying to break past her emotionless mask. Although she didn't look flustered by their words, she looked like she had trouble answering. 

"Okay, let's give her some room, everyone. She can't answer if you all speak at the same time."

Arriving at the cafeteria, we lined up and looked for a table that would fit all of us. Seating down on our seats, we continued our previous conversation.

Ayanokouji Kiyone P.O.V.

We sat on a table with eight seats. To make conversation easier, we grouped ourselves into two. One group of three and another with four. I sat between Kushida and Hirata; Kushida on my left and Hirata on my right whilst Sato, Mei-Yu, Karuizawa, and Shinohara sat in front of us respectively.

Observing their meal choices, I saw that majority of them picked relatively expensive meals. I on the other hand, remembering my observations on the previous day, bought a simple jam filled bun and a salad.

[Discontinued] Female Ayanokouji and Random One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now