Changing Room Fun

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"Good morning Yamauchi!"

"Good morning Ike!"

As I waited on my seat, I saw Ike call out to Yamauchi with a smile on his face.

It was unusual for these two to get to school early. It has been a week since the entrance ceremony. Ike and Yamauchi has always arrived at school just before the bell rings, sometimes even later.

"I can't wait for P.E. later! I'm so excited I can't even fall asleep~"

You aren't even supposed to sleep in class, you know...

"Yup, this school's the best, swimming will start soon! I say swimming, but girls are the important part! By girls, I mean their swimsuits!"

Seriously? You still aren't over that club. Wait— wasn't that a just a joke? Boys sure are weird. The girls backed away from Ike and Yamauchi's excitement. I guess they had the same thoughts as me.

I was used to swimming, I neither enjoyed nor hated it. Seeing Ike and Yamauchi so excited filled me with envy. I wanted to look forward to something that much as well. I wanted to talk to others with that degree of excitement as well.

Looking at the girls, it doesn't seem like they're as excited as Ike and Yamauchi. I wonder why? Do girls normally not like swimming?  Should I not like swimming as well?

"Oi, professor. Come over here."

"Fufu, did you call him?"

After a while, a chubby boy, who apparently has the nickname "professor", walked towards the one who called him. I don't know his name, but I'll try to figure out later.

It's only a week into schools, and they already have nicknames for each other? I want to give nicknames too, but what nicknames can I give to people. Should I call Suzune "Rude Girl"? It doesn't sound like a nickname. Quite frankly, it was just an insult. What about Suzu? Su-chan?

Haaah... Whatever. I'll just think about it later. Surely, this "masterpiece" can think of something, right?

As if prompting me to think of a nickname, Suzune arrived. 

She and I talked about normal high school things. I tried to listen to the boy's conversation to see what they were talking about, but I couldn't. Suzune would open up another topic whenever I even glanced to the direction of the boys.

'What's with her today?'

After lunch ended, the swimming class had officially started. Much like the other boys, I was also quite looking forward to it.

For once, I wanted to swim for the sake of enjoying it. Not for training, not for anything else but my own enjoyment. This would mark my first time swimming with people who didn't absolutely abhor me. Thus, I was looking forward to it.



Breaking me from my thoughts were two voices calling me. It was Kikyou and Suzune. The two of them looked at each other and an awkward silence developed in our little space. I wonder what they wanted.

"Let's go to the— "

"Let's chang— "

After the silence, they both spoke once more. Unfortunately, they cut each other off. I felt like I heard tongues clicking, but I'm sure that that was just my imagination. Somehow I could feel the tension rising. If I was Koenji, I'd probably say they were fighting for me... yeah, that's impossible. I was just a run off the mill high school student, after all.

 "Let's go to the locker rooms together, Suzune, Kikyou."

At this point, I almost couldn't care less on what they wanted to say. All I wanted to do at this moment was change and try to enjoy the pool. I grabbed their hands and quickly made our way to the locker rooms.

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