Just Kiyone Things

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Third period, History. Chiyabashira-sensei's class. She walked in as the bell signaling the start of class rang. Though she had entered the room, the students' attitudes didn't change.

"Everyone, be quiet. Today's class will be more serious."

"What do you mean, Sae-chan-sensei~"

It has only been a month and our homeroom and History teacher has now been given a nickname by the class. 

"It's the end of the month. We will have a short test. Pass these to the back."

Chiyabashira-sensei handed out papers to the first row. Eventually, the papers reached my desk. The test had several questions from each of the five major topics.

A number of students were complaining about not being prepared enough for the test or simply know nothing about the questions written on the test.

'If you paid more attention to the lessons instead of doing whatever you wanted to do, then maybe you would know a thing or two about the test.' 

Nonetheless, whether they pass or fail this test is of no importance to me.

"Calm down. This test is only for future reference. It will not be reflected on your report card. There is no risk, so be at ease. However, cheating is naturally prohibited."

Chiyabashira-sensei words are a bit strange. Normally, grades are reflected in the report card. However, our sensei's words are a bit different. It's as if she was implying that these grades won't be reported in our report cards but will be reported in some other way.

From the exorbitant amounts of points given to students, the free products on the convenience stores and cafeteria, the strange phrasing  of the teachers in this school; I can now say with certainty that there is a catch in the S-System.

Everything can be bought with points. There may also be a possibility of using points to change the rules of the schools; though the amount of points needed may vary depending on the situation. Based on what I have observed and how meticulous this school is, there should an absolute value of points for everything. Anoth—

"You have five hours to complete the test. You may now begin." 

Chiyabashira-sensei's announcement broke me from my thoughts. As the test started, I skimmed over the questions. 20 questions, 4 per sections, 5 points per questions for a total of 100 points. 

Relating it to my previous thoughts, this test is a bit anticlimactic... it was extraordinarily easy. The questions on this test are approximately two levels below the entrance exam. 

For the most part, that was what I thought. The last three questions however, were much harder than the others. They probably can't be solved without using complex formulas. Those were the type of question discussed and taught on the third week since the start of White Room training.

I remembered a lot of people being punished during that time, myself included. All of us were. 

"Those who waste their talents are fools."

That voice again. When would you stop?

I kept looking at the test until the final bell sounded.

"Okay, five hours have passed. Please lay your paper flat on your desks. I will walk around to collect your papers."

With her words, the tense atmosphere in class has dissipated and gained back its normalcy and we were dismissed for lunch.

Going to the vending machines, I bought a sandwich and went back to class.

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