Is This Normal Highschool Behavior?

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"Wait a second."

Letting Kushida-san go ahead, I turned my attention to the girl who called me. She had long black hair and wore a school uniform resembling mine. The girl had a stern look on her face. I would go as far as to say that she was glaring at me. Obviously that isn't the case. This is the first time I would be interacting with her after all.

"You gave up your seat despite not wanting to, why?", she said with a firm look.

Normally you would be more polite when asking a stranger a question, right? These thoughts went quickly as they came. Mulling for a bit, I thought of a reply.

"I just didn't like the commotion. I dislike trouble like you, so I opted to end the conflict quickly. I think we both dislike trouble but chose different ways of expressing that belief."

"Disliking trouble? Don't compare me to you. I didn't give up my seat because I did not feel any sense in giving up  the seat to an old woman"

'Doesn't that make you worse?' what I would like to say. Not wanting to make this interaction longer that it already is, I decided to end the conversation.

"Is that so? I apologize for making assumptions then.", I say with a slight smile and a formal bow.

The stern girl stiffened for a second and turned her head with a huff.

"I-if that's all then I'd best be leaving now.", she said and then consequently leaving in a rush.

Calling out to me out of nowhere, being rude, and then just leaving... What is with this woman. I am not well versed in social etiquettes but I'm pretty sure that this is not quite normal. Sighing due to my plights, I make my way to the entrance ceremony.


I didn't really enjoy the entrance ceremony. I feel that a lot of my fellow first years share this sentiment as well. There was a lot of standing and is all around very troublesome. I recognized some of people in the area; namely the people I had interacted prior the ceremony.

I saw Kushida-san, the blonde, and the rude girl from earlier. Geh... 2/3 of the people I have recognized are troublesome. Thank god Kushida-san is there. She's like a saving grace if you contrast her to those two.

Standing up and doing our final bows to the Chairman and the faculty, the entrance ceremony has officially ended.

Making my way to 1-D, I dread over my current mission, making friends. In this stage of a student's high school, the student must make friends in order to enjoy the rest of their school life. At least according to Matsuo-san. 

If someone fails at this task, it is said that a miserable three years awaits them. That's why the days before my attendance of this school, I practice trying to make friends.

'Should I burst into the classroom and talk excitedly with the people around me?'

'No, that would contradict the impression that I had made with Kushida-san'

'Should I give notes containing my email address to the people in my class?'

'Isn't that kind of weird? It might propagate negative rumors about me.'

Uwaa... This is quite vexing I solved complex mathematical problems back in the white room yet I'm struggling at this problem!? Maybe sensei can help me integrate into the class. Wait, sensei? Sensei! Internet-sensei! I tried recollecting what the internet and Matsuo-san had told me in regards to making friends.


'I need to work on it. It's not the best judging by Kushida-san and Rude Girl-san's reaction...'

[Spend Time with Your Friend's Friends]

'... There should be more, right?'

[Just be yourself]

'That's slightly more helpful than the others. As if! What constitutes as "yourself". How can I act like "myself" if I don't even have a concrete idea of myself...'

This is not good. It's not helping at all. Agonizing in my thoughts, I reached the room for classroom 1-D.  This is now or never. 

The classroom was only about half full. 

Students were either looking at their class materials by themselves or were talking to acquaintances and friends.  I make my way to a seat with my name plate on it. It was a seat towards the back of the of the room and near the window. It was a place with good air and sunlight, a perfect spot if I say s myself.

My mind created a myriad of different scenarios, all of which ending in failure. This is useless, its a negative spiral... Closing my eyes I played with my hair oblivious to the stares of the people around me.

Involuntarily, I let out a deep sigh. I'm sorry, Matsuo-san. It seems that I have failed my high school life.

As the classroom was nearly filling, I heard someone putting their bag on the seat next to me.

"That's quite a heavy sigh. The school semester hasn't even started yet."

I looked at the origin of the voice. It was the girl called out to me after getting of the bus. I guess we are seatmates. Seeing this as my chance to make at least a single friend, I introduced myself.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyone. I have no particular hobbies, but I have an interest with everything. It's nice to meet you."

"Do you mind if I reject your greeting", she replied to my heart felt introduction.

I was taken aback by her unexpected demur. I really wanted to be friends you know. Reacting to the rejection, my lips unconsciously pursed.

Her face turned bright red and turned her face away from mine. Thinking that it was a total rejection I faced forward trying to think of other ways to befriend other people.

Hearing a heavy sigh towards my right I returned to face her.


"Horikita Suzune. One of my hobbies is reading, nice to meet you", she said with her face dusting with pink?

Before I can exchange pleasantries in response to her greetings, a woman wearing a suit walked into the classroom.

This was a very fun chapter to write. As you can tell I like Kushida. In fact I like them all. Near the end of writing this chapter I had like an epiphany. What I have been writing so far had not been oneshots. They are bona fide chapters that are interconnected contrary to what the description of this book stated.  This led to another epiphany, if two or more oneshots are connected, then are they really oneshots or are they short stories?

On another note, if Male Ayanokouji has the biggest male genitalia out of the whole 1st year (possibly the whole school), do I have to give Female Ayanokouji the biggest breast?

[Discontinued] Female Ayanokouji and Random One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now