May I Join?

5.5K 153 47

Thanking Horikita, I reached the dorms that would be my home for the next three years.

Going to the receptionist at the first floor, I was given my card key as well as an information manual. I went inside the elevator whilst reading the contents of the manual. In it contains information on the time and day for garbage disposal and warning not to make too much noise or waste water or electricity.

100,000 points is a very big monthly allowance to be given to a high school student. That it mind, I thought that our dorm room's utilities would factor in the deduction of our points. 

This school really went through great lengths for the sake of the students.

Hearing the ding of the elevator, I walk out the 13th floor and went towards my assigned dorm room.


I mutter repeatedly as I read the number plates attached to each door. 

'Ah, 442.'

Finding my assigned room, I used my key card, hearing the beep of the machine, I enter the room. Standing in front of the entrance, I observe my room.

The room is about 8 tatami mats big. There is one kitchen and one bathroom. This is my house starting from today. It's also my first time living alone without any help from Matsuo-san. Until graduation, I would have to live without contacting anyone outside of school.

Unintentionally, I let out a smile.

I'm free... Freedom~

Isn't freedom the best. I can eat, sleep, and play when I want to. Without having anyone order me around. Not caring about uniform or the stuff I bought from the store, I jumped onto the bed and succumbed to sleep, looking forward to my future school life. 

Waking up the next day, I removed myself from the bed and looked around my room. On the floor were plastic bags sprawled on the floor, its contents spilling out.

It had come to my knowledge that I had made an irresponsible decision following my arrival to my dorm. Stretching my back, I put my newly acquired items to their respective places. 

After cleaning up, I went to the bathroom to prepare for school.

Looking at the bathroom mirror, I let my thoughts wander.

'This marks the second day of school and by proxy the first day of classes.'

'I only have three years to enjoy this newfound freedom. I can't let this opportunity pass'

Stretching my face do different directions, I went inside the bath and continued my preparation for school

Arriving at the classroom, I wait for the teacher's arrival. After a few minutes, I heard a sound of bags rustling beside me. Looking to my right, I see that Horikita has arrived. 

"Good morning, Horikita-san."

Greeting Horikita, my monotonous voice reached her ears. It seems that I'm not fully prepared for such early social interaction.

"Good morning to you too, Ayanokouji-san."

Reciprocating, I'm thankful that Horikita didn't mind my greeting.

Horikita and I spent our time waiting for the teacher by talking. Well... It constituted with me asking questions and her responding with non-open-ended answers. I guess that it's not only me who needs to work on their social skills.

Saving me from this sad excuse of a conversation was the teacher arriving at the class. Although it was the first day of classes, the majority of the day was spent going over policies and rules. The teachers were suspiciously lenient to what I would consider "discourteous classroom behavior".

[Discontinued] Female Ayanokouji and Random One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now