Chapter 4 - Captured

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Author's Note: Sorry. Not sorry! :)

~ Amina Gila

Ever since Custos and Ani were shown to their quarters, Ahsoka has tried to distract herself with anything she can, so she doesn't have to think about the fact that they're right there. It's too odd, too unsettling to know that they're on the same Star Destroyer as her. In truth, she doesn't know how to feel about them being there. She saw Fallen Anakin on Mortis, and though she has no idea what led him to that state, she doesn't hold any resentment for his actions. She does trust Anakin with her life, and after she died there, it's especially true.

Anakin saved her. He brought her back somehow, and that, more than anything, proved to her that he is the Chosen One, because who else could have accomplished something like that? She would like to think that she's changed, become more open and understanding of others, especially after she was kidnapped by Trandoshans. Still, that doesn't mean that she's able to understand why Custos chose what he did. Obi-Wan has always been the light and level-headed one of the three of them. What could make someone like him embrace the Dark Side?

She doesn't want to know the answer to that. In fact, she doesn't even want to think about any of this. Ahsoka firmly pushes that thought to the back of her head, turning her focus on the training droids lined up in front of her. After working through the katas, she decided to try something a bit more in-depth to keep her distracted.

With a wave of her hand, they activate, and for the next few minutes, she's lost in deflecting blaster bolts and deactivating the droids. As the last one falls to the floor with a clang, she wipes the sheen of sweat from her forehead, deactivating her lightsabers. Anakin is standing in the doorway, watching her. His expression is approving, but something is clearly troubling him. She can see it in his eyes.

"Good job, Snips," he praises with a smile.

"Hey, Master," she greets with a wave, finally frowning. "You okay?"

Anakin makes a dismissive gesture with his hand, obviously not intending to tell her what's wrong. Ahsoka's not stupid. She can see that he's troubled. "Fine," he says with a shrug. "I had an encounter with our guests, and Obi-Wan went to give a report to the Council."

"Okay..." she draws out the word. Something isn't quite right, but she can't place it. "What are they like?"

"They're nice," he answers, obviously choosing his words carefully, "But I'm not sure if the Council will see it the same way."

"Do you think they'll do something to them?" she queries.

"I don't know," Anakin replies, shaking his head, expression pained. She can almost visibly see him drawing all his emotions back in and sealing them off. "Want to spar?"

He's obviously not planning to tell her anymore, not like she expected him to in the first place. "Sure," she agrees, reigniting her blades and falling into a fighting stance. Anakin doesn't hesitate, igniting his own lightsaber and attacking her, testing her, pushing her to her limits. It's what he always does. That's why she's as good as she is.

She lets herself fall into a familiar pattern of blocking and returning his blows, the Force dancing between them. Their duel goes on for a while before Anakin finally steps back, disengaging his blade. "I think that's enough for now," he states, "Since neither of us will be winning anytime soon, and Obi-Wan will probably be back from the briefing."

Ahsoka considers teasing him for a moment but decides better of it. He's still too wound up to properly respond to her, and she doesn't want to make him feel worse. "Fine," she agrees with a shrug. "I'll race you to our quarters." With those words, she bolts from the training room, racing through the corridors, laughing as Anakin chases her.

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