Chapter 2 - Understanding

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Author's Note: Y'all, this is practically 60k of very self-indulgent content where the sole goal is making Anakin and Obi-Wan talk. Just so no one expects anything else. Lol. Also, as a result, that means their relationship is the primary focus/conflict here. :')

If you like that, then enjoy this next chapter! :D

~ Amina Gila

Anakin's mind is in a turmoil, the bright and innocent presence of his young counterpart buzzing in the back of his head. He followed Obi-Wan's orders and went to the medbay to rest there – where he could be given an IV – but he couldn't actually get any real sleep. He and Ahsoka had shown their guests to a cabin, and he doubts that they'll be leaving. It's... strange, surreal even to see any version of Obi-Wan like this, and if he's being honest with himself, it hurts as well.

How could someone like Obi-Wan have Fallen? It doesn't make sense. Ever since Mortis, Anakin has feared the Dark Side, feared what he could become if he gives in to it. Had one of their visitors been a Sith version of himself, he would not have been surprised, but Obi-Wan? He needs answers. He needs to know what happened. Custos didn't seem willing to tell anyone anything, but would he react differently to an older version of the child he's currently caring for? Anakin doesn't know, but he thinks it's worth a try.

Sneaking out of the medbay is easier than sometimes, and it's a technique which Anakin has mastered over the past few months. Once he's clear, he immediately hurries to the cabin where their guests are staying, hoping that Ahsoka or Rex won't spot him while he's on the way. They're nowhere to be seen, thankfully, so he arrives there within minutes and knocks on the door. Now, hopefully he'll be allowed inside.

For a few seconds there's silence, but finally, the door slides open. Custos is standing there, eyes narrowed. His posture relaxes imperceptibly when he sees Anakin standing there. "I wanted to talk to you," Anakin says awkwardly, resting his right hand on the doorframe, "If you don't mind?" He doesn't want them to feel as if they're being pressured.

Custos stands there for a moment before stepping back and letting him inside. The child is sitting on the bunk, knees pulled up to his chest, a forlorn and lost look on his face. It hurts to see. It hurts even more to feel the sadness that he's carrying within him. Whatever happened has left scars on both of them, not just Custos.

Anakin leans against the door, crossing his arms and feeling as if he's very much intruding on their privacy. "What... happened to both of you?" he questions.

Custos smiles mirthlessly as he sits down next to the child, instinctively wrapping his arm around his shoulders and pulling him closer. It makes jealousy and resentment burn hot and fierce within Anakin to see it. It's not fair. He's – all he's wanted is for Obi-Wan to – to treat him like that, like a parent would a child, to show that he cares. And this Sith version of his former master is doing just that without even having to be asked.

"The Sith happened," Custos admits with a heavy sigh. He suddenly looks so worn out, and for a moment, Anakin sees a flash of exhaustion, fear, and insecurity on his face before it's gone, smoothed out behind the mask he's wearing. He rubs his fingers soothingly on the child's back, a seemingly unconscious gesture. It takes all of Anakin's willpower to meet the Sith's eyes instead of staring at him, at them. "On Naboo, after Maul killed... my master, I killed him. I first drew on the Dark Side then. I – I thought it was over, but..." He pauses, looking away. "Plagueis came," he continues, voice barely audible now. He says the name with something akin to trepidation.

"He took us, and we met his apprentice, Sidious." Custos utters that name with no small amount of loathing, and his eyes bleed gold. Anakin can't suppress the shiver the runs through him at the sight. This man looks much like Obi-Wan – though he's definitely far younger – and it's unnerving to see the yellow marking him as a Sith... as if Anakin could even ignore the darkness staining his oh-so-familiar Force signature. "I Fell. I fought them. The Force happened, and here we are." He gestures at the room.

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