Chapter 19 - Reunion

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The hours of waiting were undoubtedly the worst. Ahsoka had keenly felt the moment that Anakin Fell, but she never thought it would be like that. She thought it would be... slower, more gradual, less violent. She never thought that their bond would suddenly be doused with an icy rage so potent that it scared even her. Seeing Anakin in such a state might have made her fear him, because she wouldn't know how to respond to him, how to treat him. He would be unpredictable.

She had thrown up her shields to block out her master, lowering them only when the bond dimmed suddenly – when he had been imprisoned; Artoo has been feeding her constant updates. Now, though, Ahsoka feels nothing but the same calm light she has grown accustomed to. Anakin is free, and it won't be long before she smuggles him out of the Temple. Really, escaping via a window is not the greatest idea, but it's definitely the best one they have.

It goes without a hitch, thankfully, and before long, she's flying away from the Temple, Anakin, Custos, Artoo, and a crate all safely in the speeder. "That's one of the stupidest, most dangerous things I have ever done, Master," Ahsoka teases as she flies; normally, Anakin never lets her fly, but there was no choice today. Not if he was going to climb into a speeder via the window. The things she and Anakin do sometimes...

Anakin snickers, though it sounds a bit forced. "We've done worse," he reminds her cheerfully.

Ahsoka doesn't miss the way he's leaning against Custos, or the distant, almost haunted look in his eyes. Something is weighing heavily on him, and she wishes she knew what it was. "How did it go?" she asks carefully.

"It... could have been worse," Anakin admits, hesitating. "I – I almost didn't manage to come back from Falling."

Ahsoka nearly flinches at the confession. She had known what Falling meant, but she had thought, perhaps foolishly, that Anakin could resist the Dark Side far better than her and other Jedi; after all, his childhood was horrible, and he's the lightest, most compassionate person she's ever known. "Are you okay?" she worries.

Anakin gives her a strained smile, a real smile, and reaches out to squeeze her shoulder. "I'll be fine, Snips," he promises.

She doesn't express her reservations about that, because if the Dark Side really affected him so much... can he really make it go away? But he feels Light in the Force, if a bit conflicted, and she trusts him. He wouldn't lie to her about that. She hopes it won't take long before Anakin is able to return back to his usual self. He's never really confided deeply personal things to her in the past, and there's no reason for him to start now. He is her master.

They reach Padme's apartment before long, and Ahsoka is incredibly relieved to be safely back here. Obviously, the Jedi could – and probably will – come here when they search for Anakin and Custos, but... well, Padme is a Senator, and they can't forcibly search her apartment without a legitimate reason. And if they try, Padme will make their life very difficult. Either way, Custos and Ani can't stay here much longer. They need to leave tomorrow, and hopefully, she and Anakin will be going with them.

Ahsoka will not deny that she has become extremely fond of the child, considering him something of a younger brother, and besides, she doesn't want to see Anakin being ostracized and imprisoned for Falling and helping Custos and Ani. Anakin, she fears, will not care about that; he'll refuse to leave if there's something which is keeping him here. And there is, she knows. If he has even a chance at remaining free, he'll take it, regardless of what pain he has to go through in the meantime. That is Anakin. That is always the way he has been. Ahsoka admires his compassion, his selflessness, but she also wishes that he could take care of himself.

Ani is sitting in Padme's lap when they enter the living room, her arms around him as she speaks to him soothingly. He sees Custos first, and with a cry of "Dad!" he launches himself into his father's arms. Ahsoka watches them for a moment, before helping Anakin unload the crate of some of his – and her – possessions from the Temple. Maybe they will never go back there, she doesn't know.

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