☘︎︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒☘︎︎

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"Babe!" Emmetts panicked voice cut through the air of the tiny apartment the pair shared on the outskirts of SOL boundaries. "E?" Addison questioned, stepping into the hall from the bathroom, his sweatshirt on her body, her blue eyes meeting his blood shot emerald ones. "What's wrong?" Addison asked, a sharp breath being pushed out of her lungs when he threw himself into her arms, holding onto her with everything in him. Their relationship was never romantic, he called her babe, but he'd been doing that since they were teens, far before she wore his name against her hip. So him hugging her like she was his life blood, was shocking. "I fucked up," He whispered, pulling back to look down at her, bringing a hand to her cheek, running his thumb against the smooth skin, "I'm so sorry," he whispered, and her eyes flooded with tears at the sound of of pain in his voice, her arms wrapping around his waist once again, "there's a paper in the metal box that holds your fathers items, use it when you figure it out." He whispered, squeezing her tightly one more time before disappearing out the door.

She stood, looking at the wood with tears in her eyes, what's one more person to leave after all.

Addison shot up in the bed, the dream a vivid memory as tears rolled down her cheeks. Everything she once knew she was now questioning, was she sure it was Emmett that hit the pavement that night? Or did he risk someones life to escape his fathers wrath? Either was a terrible answer, because he left her with the monster of a man, left her to figure it out for herself, forced her back into the shadows. She ran her hands down the dampness on her cheeks, wiping the tears into her palms before she looked down, her body sat securely between Steve and Bucky, Steve had his back towards her while Bucky's arm was draped securely around her waist, pretty in pink playing on the screen in their bedroom, the only light illuminating them. If she was going to find out what Emmett meant, she would have to do it now, and before Bucky could wake up and stop her.

She let out a deep breath, slipping from his grip and going to the knapsack.

The metal box sat against the tan fabric, her fingers gently flipping the box over to retrieve the key. The lock clicked, the top popping open and she felt more tears brim the corners of her eyes, she hadn't opened this box in years, not since Emmett had pleaded with her to let him see just a snippet of her father, of who she was as a little girl. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she gently lifted the top, pushing around the photos, smiling as she ran her finger over her fathers family crest, before she noticed the crumpled up piece of paper, her heart stopping. She had never seen it before, that meant it was the paper that Emmett had told her about, it promised a whole lot of answers, or a certain death. But the gamble was worth it, if it meant that Bucky could finally have his commission meeting. She pulled the paper out slowly, running her fingers over the crumpled up paper.

'Warehouse on sixth, code 89-03-45'

Sixth street was across the city, dangerously close to the bored of the Sons of Lucifer territory and even with Charles dead it wasn't ground she wanted to cross into. But Emmett had given her this information for a reason, and if he was alive she deserved to know, to be angry, to heal, and to finally close her life off from the gang that ruined it. She took a deep breath, grabbing a coat from the duffle bag Bucky had packed them, slipping it on before she was slipping out of the bedroom, quietly moving down the hallway. The lights were off, everyone must have been asleep, the clock on the wall read 3 am. She was really about to slip into the uncertainty of night once again, she was going to have to rely on her instinct, avoid city cameras, stick to alleys, take three steps forward, two to the right, and look behind you always. Addison paused at the front door, hearing footsteps at the top of the stairs, her stomach in knots as she turned to look at George, his eyes soft when a knowing smile crossed his lips, a nod being directed towards her as he pressed against the wall.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠Where stories live. Discover now