☘︎︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑂𝑛𝑒☘︎︎

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Employee's dove behind their desks as Addison and Bucky walked down the hall.

They were dripping power with their coordinating colors, her hand tightly in his as guards walked alongside them. They were the king and queen of the dark underbelly of New York. One look, and people would know. The loving look that once rested in Bucky's eyes was replaced with an icy glare, his jaw set in a scowl. Bucky turned his head slightly, looking down at his wife with a look of love, her golden hair curled to perfection bouncing along her shoulders with each step. His lips curved up on the side, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to her temple as they approached the doors of the conference room, silence surrounding them as he waved the guards away, turning his body completely to her. "Are you hurting?" He questioned, his hand leaving hers to trail down the side of her face, her bright smile resting on her perfectly pouted lips. "No, I'm okay."

With the confirmation of her wellbeing, he pushed open the conference room door, murmurs immediately falling silent as they entered into the room, a protective hand on her lower back when Bucky led them to his seat, sitting down first before tugging her into his lap. Professional? God no, but he wasn't about to let anyone else near her, especially when there were members he barely acquainted with in the same room. A relieved sigh left his lips as she wrapped an arm around his neck, his hand finding her hip and squeezing gently, grounding himself before he scanned the room. Steve sat to his right, Sam and Rebecca to his left, and all eyes were on him, careful to keep their gaze off Addison. Good.

"If there are any qualms about Mrs. Barnes and Miss Barnes being here, now would be the time to discuss them. Be respectful, the last person who disrespected her in front of me lost his teeth."

The tension rose in the room as the men all played with their ties, or their cufflinks, trying to garner the attention. "Is this going to be a common occurrence, it's not a problem, just your father-" The man cut off when Bucky raised his hand, the one curled around Addison's hip moving to her stomach to calm himself, his nostrils flaring when he pushed out a long breath. "It is best if you all forget how my father ran things, I am the boss, and if I choose to have my wife sit in meetings, she will." Bucky's voice was low, his anger grating on his words, fingers digging into Addison's stomach. "Baby," She murmured, just soft enough for his eyes to flash to her, softening as he took in her features, "let me handle this." She whispered while Bucky nodded, allowing her to raise to her feet.

"You," Addison stated, pointing to Julian, he was a tall man, made entirely of muscles, "come up here, everyone move your chairs to give us room."

Everyone immediately obeyed her, sliding around the desk so her and Julian had enough room to move around, the large windows illuminating them. "Give me your best attack." She commanded Julian, seeing his eyes dart to Bucky who nodded, his own lip pulled between his teeth. "Do as she says." Bucky commanded, looking back when Rebecca grabbed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He had no idea what she had planned, in fact he was willing to just put bullets into everyone's head at the way his men disregarded her strengths. But leave it to his wife to want to prove herself to all these men. Because she was trying to help them as well.

Addison smiled as Julian launched at her, her back hitting the wall with a thud, a small groan leaving her lips. A knife was pulled from his sleeve, pressing against the bottom of her chin, not sharp enough to draw blood, but not dull enough to be unnoticeable. "You're quick, I'll give you that." Addison smiled brightly, her fingers curling around the gun on his waistband, pulling it free without Julian noticing. "But not quick enough." She whispered, bringing her knee up to hit him in the groin, using her other foot to wrap around his ankle, sending him back onto the ground with a thud, the knife clattering towards Bucky's feet, while Addison stood over Julian, his own gun pointed at him. "Any more doubts?" Bucky asked, turning over his shoulder to see everyone shaking their heads, murmuring no sirs to Bucky. "Good, now let's continue."

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠Where stories live. Discover now