Chapter 2: With That Evil Smile

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I couldn't remember how many days had passed since Duke Aragon invaded the Imperial Palace and threw me into the underground prison.

The cell was a hollow cube of concrete with no windows and only one way in. The only source of light was a few magic stones that were scattered on the wall to help guards navigate the way. You would have no idea how much time had passed, or even if it was night or day. It was disorienting by design. Given enough time, a person could even forget their name.

Cough, cough!

I fell on the floor, my body shattering with every dry heave. The pain was intense; my muscles ached, all the bruises and cuts would barely heal before they tore them back open again—

I pushed the memories away, and the images of that disgusting face forcing itself closer. Not even a groan came out as I lay retching on the ground, but I wanted to spit out a scream from every part of my wounded and broken body.

I held on to my broken arm and exhaled heavily. If I didn't slow my breathing, the nausea was strong enough to block my airways and burst me into tears. My mouth was all worn out; I couldn't tell if I was tasting blood or if the iron-like smell was just prevalent everywhere.

I didn't even have the strength to lift a finger. Even then, I still haven't lost consciousness, and I had to live through every sting and spasm in my body.

The man who stood in front of me, on the other hand, was calm as if watching a bug on his floor. No—rather, he was dissatisfied because I still managed to give him a death glare even at this point.

"Are you still not going to change your mind?" the man asked me.

Duke Constantine Aragon. The late emperor's half-brother. Although technically he was Arsenio's uncle, he was only eight years older at thirty-one.

With beautiful silver hair and eyes the color of ruby, he was a man who looked like an angel in a painting hanging in a noble castle. Even in dim light, his majestic hair still shone as if the moonlight had slipped into every strand of it. And not only that, he also had broad shoulders, and a sharp nose and jawline.

Yet, behind his angel-like appearance, hid his rotten self.

I stared at his bright red eyes with hatred, wishing I could rip my nails through them. I really hated the fact he had the same eyes as Arsen's.

But unlike Arsenio's eyes that radiated warmth, his eyes disgusted me and made my skin crawl. It reminded me of the eyes of a serpent.

Duke Constantine Aragon was second in the line of succession to the throne and he had a pretty good standing, especially among young aristocrats.

I admitted that he was very good at hiding his fangs, but for some reason, I've always had a bad feeling about him. That was why I was not that surprised that he secretly coveted his nephew's place.

After I was captured, he offered me to be his mistress and even had the audacity to make it sound like he was being generous.

Of course, he didn't make the offer out of goodwill. He just wanted to use my position as the only legitimate daughter of Duke Berenice, the famous shield of the empire who protected the northern border from monsters for generations. And that was nothing compared to the power he would gain by having me on his side.

I didn't even have to think twice before I rejected his offer. Just the thought of being on the same side as that kind of man made me feel so dirty.

"I would rather die than become your mistress." I forced myself to utter the words, not wanting to show him that I was in terrible pain.

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