Chapter 24: Under the Wisteria

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In the spring sky, aloft to the blue above, under the wisteria.

The bountiful purple bloomed in eye-catching cascades that came as a serenade to the softer side of mother nature, reminding us of the beauty that was there for eyes that seek it.

The blossom opened as if each flower was a book. A book that was more sculpted than written as if the ink was infused into the petals to give them their soft glow. It was a tale of eons passed, of the loving care of the soil, the rain, and the sun, a tale of the insects, the bacteria, and the fungi. And yet, for all of that, it was a great love story told in its silent way. The brain read such volumes in an instant of intuition, a fraction of a beautiful moment.

Devotion that transcends death. That was the meaning of wisteria in the language of flowers. I had read it once in a book.

Oh, how romantic.

With the grand Berenice Mansion behind me, the surrounding area looked like something out of a fairytale.

A beautiful assortment of colors filled my eyes. It was a sight that could carve wonder into even the most indifferent person's face.

It was truly the perfect day for a picnic.

Even the cloudy sky looked like a painting and the sunlight came in glowing spots through the leaves.

We were sitting side by side under the shade of the tree. A soft blanket was spread over the greens of the grass.

I had a carefree expression as if god gave me eyes to see that this was what was called serenity—that heaven was the sensation of bliss that existed when we were together. As long as he was with me, there was a tangible beauty even in the quietness.

"Calypso..." His melodic voice broke the silence.

"Yes, Arsen?" I turned to look at the red-haired boy.

"Aren't you pushing yourself too much these days?" Arsen asked, his voice laced with worry. "I heard from your nanny that you fainted during the dance class. This is the second time you've fainted this week."

"Did you come here because you're worried?" I raised my eyebrows teasingly.

"My best friend is sick. How could I not be worried? Being diligent is good, but it'd be better if you take care of your body first."

"It's fine. I'm alright now." I dismissively waved my hand. "My mother told me if I neglect even one day of lessons, I'd lose my touch."

Arsen sighed. "Sometimes I really think your mother is being too harsh on you. You're only ten, Calypso. Even my father told me it's okay to loosen up a bit, you know?"

I chuckled as I grabbed his hand with my small one and held it tightly. "Arsen, I told you that I will be the best empress in Graniel's history and I will always be by your side, so quit telling me to stop."

He smiled tenderly and laced our hands together, leaning closer until his face was only inches away from mine.

"Calypso, I've told you as well. Even if you don't become the best empress in Graniel's history, we'll always be by each other's side. Because that's what friends do."

My eyes widened. His words made me positively beaming. And oh. Oh. Oh.

He was the sun.

Fiery, burning, glowing.

It wasn't fair for someone to be this beautiful.

Arsen was the kind of person who told a story with every move he made and every word he spoke. He narrated the innermost pages of his soul, poetry to all who looked upon him. It was no wonder people fell over themselves to listen to a piece.

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