Chapter 32: A Priest, a Healer, and a Heroine

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My eyes lingered on the door even after Leon left. My body ached all over, but even then a smile was threatening to break across my lips, and I had to bite down to hide it.

It's Leon from the book...

I hadn't seen this side of him because I was not the heroine who would have him rescue her so often... but look at how he worried about me being in pain! Look how guilty he felt that he couldn't help me!

Leon was that kind of character. He was always weak to the weak. That was why he went out of his way, even risking his own life only to help Phoebe and Electra in the first timeline.

My sweet Leon... This is the guy I had come to like in the book...

Unfortunately, the author happened and turned the already fucked up story into total garbage.

Thinking about it made me want to sue her and demand the time I spent getting attached to Leon's character back.

Still, besides his horrendous love affair with Electra, he was a loyal and upright knight.

Hah... the heroine is disgustingly lucky.

She received such a character's unyielding loyalty without having to do anything and even got to feel his tenderness.

Meanwhile... I needed to almost get killed twice just to gain a little sympathy from him.

Seriously, so unfair.

Why the hell is it always so hard for me?

Everything happens for a reason, and although I believe it too... it's really shitty, isn't it?

The fact that I probably wouldn't be able to amount to anything. And people wondered why I had so much anger against this world.

Oh, what a joke.

The world and me... we were old enemies.

So why should I accept a world that abandoned me?

What makes the world think I'll go along silently with what it expects me to do?

I'll fuck it all up.

Who cares about your fucking rules? You never fucking cared about me. I wouldn't be like this if you did.

I brushed off my depressing thoughts with a deep breath and refocused my attention on the priestess. I unbuttoned my blouse as instructed and lay back down on the bed.

The priestess took a seat by the bedside and clasped her hands in a praying manner. I couldn't hear her words, but she was murmuring some kind of prayer, and just like that a golden glow started to emerge from her hands.

I was soon surrounded by the holy light. It was tingling all over my body, filling me with warmth. The tension eased from my muscles, the pain slowly faded, and I watched in amazement as the red flesh of my burnt hand gradually sealed itself and restored the skin to its usual pale, unblemished pink.

The pain also gradually disappeared from my ankle along with the swelling. The small contusions all over my body faded away almost instantly like it was never there. Even my neck was no longer sore, and when I looked all over my body at my disappearing bruises, I was able to move without any discomfort or difficulty.

I wasn't surprised that she was a famous priestess. I had never met one as effective as her.

I guess this was a perk of living in a fantasy world. If this was the real world, there was no way I could survive those kinds of events without a permanent scar.

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