Chapter 28: Histories Unexpected

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TRIGGER WARNING: There are some heavy topics such as psychological trauma in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised.

It was time for refreshments. Everyone was welcome to eat and drink as they pleased. Calypso had made sure that only the best food and beverages were served to match the status of the attendees. Even the hall was decorated with great care and consideration from the thick maroon velvet drapes to the elegant floral arrangements and the perfectly polished crystal glass.

But here he was, standing in the corner, away from prying eyes, facing the man with molten-silver hair and a pair of red eyes similar to his own.

"I hope you're not too mad about the decision, Uncle. After all, it was all for the betterment of our empire. I'm sure you can understand."

"Thank you for worrying about me, Your Majesty, but it is unnecessary," Constantine replied with a fixed smile, small and anything but genuine. "Honestly, if I didn't know better, I would have thought that you're rather happy with this predicament."

"Ah, I'm sad that you think that way, Uncle. You know that I only have your best interest at heart, right?"

"Haha... I'm grateful for your generosity, Your Majesty, but please pardon my impudence. As I am admittedly quite a busy person, I hope you don't mind if I cut this conversation short and excuse myself first."

"Very well then—I don't want to interfere with my uncle's busy schedule for sure, but may I ask you something beforehand?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"In the interest of our earlier discussion with the court, I've been hearing louder whispers about—"

"Is this an official inquiry, Your Majesty? Because if so, let me remind you that I'm allowed to have my own counselor present," he cut him off, standing straighter. "And if this is indeed just a friendly dialogue, I wish we can just pass since I'm rather busy at the moment."

"Oh my, please don't get so worked up, Uncle. I just wanted to ask you about a rather interesting gossip that I've heard recently."

"Your Majesty, I don't know what you're trying to imply."

"Oh, I'm just curious, that's it." He shrugged. "And I was rather worried that my uncle would get affected negatively by this."

Constantine looked around before whispering to Arsen, his polite facade all gone. "Are you doing this to pressure me about Phoebe? Just because I didn't let you meet her let alone take her as your mistress? I never thought my nephew was someone so petty—"

Arsen blinked then a second later burst into laughter. "I'm sorry, but you're wrong, Uncle. It's not about Phoebe—not at all."

"Then why are you doing this?" It was clear that he didn't believe him.

"Because I'm worried about the well-being of my citizens, of course."

"I assure you that whatever cheap gossip you've heard, it isn't true, and I won't explain myself further," Constantine said. "Now, please excuse me, Your Majesty."

Constantine was about to walk past him, but Arsen stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "It might be cheap gossip to you, but it isn't for me." Arsen took a step closer. "I've heard a great deal of things. I've heard the public rumblings. I've heard of corruption that leads right up the ladder to you. I even know you've begun questioning those who might go against you."

Constantine glared at him, but it was clear that he was nervous and agitated. "That is enough, Your Majesty—"

"A word of friendly advice, Uncle: Pick your battles wisely or you will end up like your mother. It's a well-known fact that you're more worried about your own reputation than the actual security of this empire—or how you abused your power to manipulate the media and knowingly vilified the wrong people to give the facade of progress. In the end, it was your own doing."

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