Chapter 22: Life Is a Gamble, so Roll the Dice

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It was a beautiful autumn day; the foliage above was an infinite dream of scarlet and gold, playful in the soft light, colors ignited for all who cared to see. They were the candles of the daylight, these trees that brought their art to our world, their branches taking root in the sky.

The autumn gave by bringing a fresh start, feeding the soil, and kissing the trees into their patient slumber. As the season deepened, their graceful boughs would be the prettiest of charcoal sketches, drawing themselves tall, reflecting the light of a wintry sun.

It was my favorite season of the year. Yet, it still couldn't uplift the heaviness in my heart.

I had a great deal to get done today, and I was always nervous when I was about to do something big.

I was on my way to Berenice Mansion near the outskirts of the capital, accompanied only by Mary and a few guards. The annual harvest festival would be held not far from there, and I wanted to pay a little visit.

But enjoying the festivities was only a cover. I was actually there to execute a plan that I had been carefully preparing for a while now. One that hopefully would bring Leon, one of the pivotal characters in the novel, to my side.

It had been a long time since I last visited the mansion, but it was still just how I remembered it. The grand mansion stood as if the surrounding nature had embraced it. The flora flowed within it as much as around. The architect had loved trees so much that there was a mighty oak in the center, centuries old, and the great house had been built around it. The beauty of the mansion was truly magnificent as if it had been conjured straight from a children's storybook. But I was so nervous because of what I must do later, and my heart was thumping loudly in my ears that I couldn't even appraise the beautiful sight.

Xavier and all the workers in Berenice Mansion welcomed me warmly, and I returned it with a polite greeting. After a little idle chat, one of the maids led me to the bedroom that I usually used whenever I stayed there.

Since I had to blend in with the commoners later, I had to switch my overly extravagant dress with a simpler one. So with the help of Mary who came with me along with a few Berenice's maids, I changed into a plain dark-gray dress without any accessories or jewelry.

I couldn't help but frown as I watched my own reflection in the mirror. I never liked this plain look on me. It made me look even more dull.

Finally, I was ready to go.

With the excuse of wanting to enjoy the festival and spend quality time with my brother, we didn't bring any attendants with us. But nobody seemed to worry, since Xavier was more than capable of defending me if he needed to. After all, he was the captain of the Knights of Nix, Berenice Duchy's most elite order of knights that guards the empire against monsters.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Xavier's sword was responsible for the death of half of the monsters that attempted to infiltrate the empire.

When I walked to the carriage, Xavier was already waiting for me.

For this occasion, we decided to use a plain carriage without a family crest as part of the disguise.

He, too, also had simple clothes that were usually worn by a commoner, though they couldn't cover up his exquisite appearance completely.

Xavier wore a teasing grin as he took in my appearance, obviously knowing how uncomfortable I was without my lavish dress and splendid jewelry. But my glare shut him up before he could utter a single comment.

He extended his hand and helped me get on the carriage before following suit, taking the seat opposite me.

The carriage started moving.

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