Chapter 44: Found a Place to Rest My Weary Soul

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"Thank you for coming to bid us goodbye, Father-in-Law."

I raised my brow at Arsen's friendly way of calling my father. Usually, he only ever called him Duke Berenice or Your Grace, but when I saw that my father didn't give much reaction to it, I decided to just let it be for now and ask him later.

Arsen smiled at my father and acknowledged the Berenice staff standing a few distances behind him. I, too, did the same beside him.

"It's only proper for me to send you off, Your Majesty," my father replied graciously and gave a polite bow with his hand in front of his chest.

Arsen went off to say goodbye to the knights, and I was left alone with my father.

Along with a proper goodbye, my father had surprisingly sent carriages full of gifts for us to the point that it looked like a procession going off to the capital in a lengthy line full of knights, servants, and luggage.

This was so untypical of my father though, being this over the top.

Is mother's extravagance finally rubbing off on him?

"This is for you," my father said. Though his face was still as expressionless as ever, his voice strangely turned a few shades softer than when he spoke to Arsen. He handed me a box, and I raised a questioning brow at him. "It's chocolate. You used to like them."

Well, this is new.

I grinned at him. "You know me. Thank you, Father. Do you like chocolate, too?"

"No. I prefer toffee."

Oh, that was unexpected.

I thought someone with a rigid personality like him wouldn't like sweets. But it seemed like I was learning a new thing every day. You really couldn't judge a book or a person by its cover.

"I'll bring you the best toffee in the capital the next time we meet, Father."

"Thank you. You, take care," he said stiffly as if he didn't know how to give a better response.

Is it because it's how he was written?

But seriously, someone should get this man out of this cold duke persona one of these days. It's getting old at this point.

"Thank you again for the gifts, Father," I said smoothly. "And thank you for yesterday's gift as well. I received it well."

He nodded, a careful look on his stoic face.

"I will look forward to the good news, then," I added.

"I'll be in touch," he confirmed, and I almost couldn't stop myself from grinning.

In the middle of our exchange, Arsen came back to my side, but when he saw the atmosphere between my father and me, he put a gentle hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Take your time, Calypso. I'll wait."

He smiled at all of us before making his way toward the carriage.

Honestly, I had nothing to say anymore. It wasn't like my father was a chatty person in the first place, and having a casual friendly chat was like stepping on foreign land. I didn't know how to talk to him when it didn't involve some sort of plot or ploy. I guess it was the same for him. He rarely did that anyway—simply talk to his only daughter. We both suck at casual conversation, so to save us both from this awkwardness, I decided to just say goodbye to him once more and join Arsen when—

"Wait, Calypso." My father suddenly stopped me as I reached the carriage door.

He motioned to the butler, who, with just a gesture, brought forth a luxurious-looking cashmere shawl that must have cost a fortune.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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