Day One - "is that a mouse mat made of boobs?"

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The first day of Christmas, the Yogscast gave to me

Far Too Early Christmas Shopping - Lewis Brindley(Xephos), Simon Lane(Honeydew)

You and the boys were trudging up and down the streets, scanning over all of the shops that lined the main roads and the early winter chill had already settled over the world, sitting above everyone's shoulder and obliviously freezing their ears. Lewis had stalked ahead of you, stuck with carrying all the bags from the rest of the shopping that had taken place that day, whilst you and Simon were tripping and stumbling over each with linked arms whilst giggles spilled out each other's mouths.

Simon let out a long groan suddenly, picking up his feet yet again as the road raised itself in front of you both, "why are we shopping for Christmas when it's 24 days away?"

"Because Simon," Lewis repeated in his ever-calm tone for about the fifth time that day, "with all the livestreams and Christmas song and such we're gonna run out of time otherwise."

He let out a huff from beside you but nodded along anyway, "well, who else do we have to buy for?"

You quickly unlinked from Simon and pulled out the list from your pocket, Lewis had apparently already hauled all of his gifts in late November though insisted on helping both you and Simon - mainly because he knew that the two of you were the worst procrastinators when it came to deadlines and business, "let's see," you said, unfolding the crumpled paper before reading it out, "Duncan, Kim, Smith, Ross, Teutron and Kogie." you listed out, Lewis nodding along whilst Simon stifled a laugh.

"Figures that you'd buy Trott a gift before Smith and Ross," Simon giggled mischievously.

You rolled your eyes in reply, "not my fault I know him better than the others, and besides that Walrus DVD set was perfect for him."

"Was Tusk in it?" Lewis asked teasingly.

You smirked at them both, "you bet it was."

"He is going to kill you," Lewis said simply, before laughing out afterwards, "he will never be your friend after this."

"It'll be worth the look on his face," you shrugged, earning a chuckle from them both.

"Right well, you don't really know Teutron and Kogie that well so how about something simple? Like a drawing set and a guitar pick or something?" Lewis tried.

"Yeah, the drawing set sounds alright," you nodded.

"But a guitar pick?" Simon finished with a scoff, "seems a bit cheaty."

You stifled a giggle, "since when did Simon moan about cheating?"

He rolled his eyes in return, "oh hilarious," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. But you couldn't help but agree, something as tiny and meaningless like a guitar pick seemed stupid, mainly considering that you had been addicted to Area 11 before you had met Hannah at Comic-Con earlier that year and you had both sort of hit it off, not to mention that Yogscast needed help with their trippy livestreams and you were some-what of an expert on it. One thing led to another and here you were, Christmas shopping with your idols.

"Duncan will not stop going on about that chemistry set thing," you explained, "so I've been looking for that for a while now. Figures with the whole mad-scientist thing right?"

Simon nodded in return, "sometimes I think we all forget we're not actually our Minecraft characters."

"Especially after recording lots of episodes all in one," Lewis agreed. You rolled your eyes, staring at them pointedly.

"I do not believe that you have just played Minecraft then gone out in public attempting to diggy diggy hole," you said blatantly, earning a giggle from them both including a notorious snort from Lewis.

"No, not in public," Simon teased, patting you on the head despite being around an inch smaller then you. You, Simon and Kim were still considered the midgets of the group even though you weren't that far too Hannah's height and because of that you all suffered hard and had to stick together.

You rolled your eyes and shoved him off you slightly, "Come on, let's try Forbidden Planet, the hat boys would love anything from there I'll bet," you cried happily, grabbing onto both of them by the wrist and skipping off in that direction of the glowing shop.

"They'd love anything from you, can't we do this another day?" Simon groaned in annoyance.

"No," you insisted firmly, "we're here right now, we might as well go in. Besides, it'll be shut soon, if we can't find anything we can go home."

"And have hot chocolate?" Simon asked hopefully.

Lewis laughed, "and have hot chocolate, sure friend." he said, earning a huge grin from the lovable dwarf.

You spent the half-hour that the shop was still open for trailing around the shelves, delving through the anime books, board games, old fashioned video games and anything that crazy gamers could dream of. Seeing the good, the bad, and the just plain creepy sides of the nerding world.

"I'm sorry but is that an anime girl mouse mat made of boobs?" Simon snorted, giggling under his breath and catching the attention of the grumpy store clerk.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful," you joked, laying your hand against it as though a mouse was there, your wrist coming to rest in-between the valley of the great cartoon breasts.

"Come on guys, there's a sign here that says 'Please don't squeeze the mousemats'." Lewis groaned through his laughter, gesturing at the piece of paper hanging from the top of the shelves, causing both you and Simon to erupt into yet another haul of uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh god, best store ever," you choked out after finally getting your breath back.

"Tell you who would like that," Simon told you, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"You want to watch me buy you a Christmas present?" you asked bemused.

"No, I meant Ross of course. He would use it every day," Simon giggled.

"Na, I always thought anime was more of Trott's thing. Oh, or Martyn, but I've brought him his gift, damn it." you groaned, not resisting squeezing the mousemats yet again, making Simon let out another shriek of laughter.

"You two," Lewis chuckled, shaking his head.

"Honestly though Ross would love anything from you, Smith too for that matter," Simon said pointedly, going back to his 'aching feet and boredness' state that all teenagers usually adopted when forced out shopping.

"Why do you keep saying that?" you frowned, eyebrows knitted together in the middle.

"Because it's true," he groaned, twisting around to face away from you, "oh my god is that a Attack On Titan boardgame!" You rolled your eyes at his childish behaviour and defeatedly returned yet another anime book to it's shelf. There was just nothing, in the store that had everything.

The grumpy sore clerk continued to eye you up the whole way round, checking his watch and smirking every so often and the fast running down of time you knew you were facing. Finally, with a huge successful grin on his face, he asked to leave the shop empty handed. You left with a deep sigh.

"We literally got nothing," Simon huffed, the sun was now disappearing over the horizon leaving the sky basking in an orange glow, and his breath appeared in front of his face before being whisked off it the wind.

"It's alright," you shrugged, "like you said, we've got 24 days and only 6 people left to buy for."

"Along with the silly gifts for the secret Santa I've been planning. But when I say silly I mean as silly as you can get, like something from the pound store or whatever." Lewis explained upon seeing both of your irritated faces.

"Right I'll buy whoever I get a pack of 50p nappies and say it's because Lewis told me to buy from the pound shop shall I?" Simon exclaimed in a teasing tone of annoyance. Lewis and you giggled loudly in return until Simon couldn't help but laugh along.

"You guys are amazing," you said with a grin, "you know that?" you pulled them both close to you by linking arms with both and the three of you walked like that all the way back to your car. You had a strange wonderful glowing feeling inside you, with excited bubbles popping all around your stomach annoyingly causing your fingertips to tingle, that this Christmas, was going to be the best Christmas ever.

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