Day Three - "little miss i-wanna-go-find-wolves"

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On the third day of Christmas, the Yogscast gave to me,

Festively Evil Creepers - Hannah Rutherford(Lomadia), Liam Mackay (Nilsey)

Minecraft was booting up, the server loading whilst you, Hannah and Nilesy - who had come to Bristol for the Christmas season - joked along with each other on Skype. Hannah and Nilesy had been discussing the worst Christmas presents they'd ever got whilst you nodded along - content with listening to the voices of your closest friends. Something about being with the both of them made everything in life feel that extra bit easier. They knew the meaning of being laid back without being boring.

"One year, a couple of years ago it must of been now, oh, which year, god I can't remember," Hannah rambled, "but anyway, Lewis brought me like a small black box, and I was terrified of what it was, just in case it was a... wedding ring, but it wasn't, but anyway I opened it, so worried about what it was and instead it was two cinema tickets to see the Avengers," Hannah ended her story, chuckling and the thought whilst you and Nilesy laughed.

"The Avengers, what a cheap arse boyfriend," Nilesy joked, "sorry boss!" he then yelled, catching the attention of a curious Ross as he sneaked past your office - well Kim's of which you were borrowing - and heard it blasting through the Skype. The boy had often found a way of walking past your room at just the right time so he was given an excuse to lean in and say hello.

He smirked at you slightly, leaning against the door-frame in a half casual way, "you might wanna put those headphones in, don't wanna get Nilesy in trouble." his bright greyish eyes sparkling, his body relaxed and almost drawing you in.

You nodded curtly at him, "got it." you laughed before making an over-dramatic scene of plugging it in as he chuckled at you before slipping away silently to his own office next door. You slipped the headphones on, tuning back in to Hannah and Nilesy still talking about The Avengers.

"That must of come out, 2012?" Hannah asked sheepishly, you could picture her shrugging awkwardly.

"Yeah, god that was 3 years ago." you breathed.

"Almost 4," Nilesy said pointedly. Time seemed to fly by lately, you weren't sure whether to cling onto it as hard as you could or make the most of the speed and go a little lightheaded and crazy.

Hannah groaned in a teasing manner, "don't remind me."

"It is Christmas you know?" you said, "which reminds me, what are you buying for Lewis? First time you have to buy something in a non-romantic way and all."

"It's a surprise," she whispered into the mic, her voice crackling ever so slightly.

"Surprise Kurkrise," Nilesy moaned, "just tell us!"

"No, no, no," Hannah insisted. Finally your Minecraft server loaded - for some reason you'd gone HARDCORE mode - and all three of you were stood in the middle of a village surrounded by large nosed villagers and several trampling cows, you instantly punched them both before sprint jumping away, running through the small farm and digging up all the carrots and letting them fill up your inventory.

"So, first things first, punch wood?" Nilesy asked for confirmation.

"Why punch wood when you can dig carrots?" Hannah laughed, watching your character.

"I think we should do something a bit more creative," you suggested, "like, look for something to tame? I've never done that properly before."

"You've never tamed anything?" Hannah asked, her voice riddled with shock, her character punching you solidly.

"Do you even Minecraft?" Nilesy asked teasingly.

You rolled your eyes, "so, what shall we tame? Cats? Pigs? Wolves?"

"Wolves would be fun," Hannah agreed, moving her characters head in a nodding motion, "we could get one each and have loads of pets."

"Agreed," Nilesy joined in with the nodding causing you to giggle at the weird sight of your friends. You then shouted out and lead the way as you both disappeared into the forest that surrounded the village, finding your way through the biome and dreading the fast approaching night-time.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," Nilesy chanted, running fast past you both as the squarish moon appeared in the sky.

"Why are you so squeamish about night-time?" you asked in a joking way.

"Because, little miss I-wanna-go find-wolves-and-not-do-any-actual-Minecraft, the only weapons we have are wooden and are axes and we don't even have leather armour despite seeing several cows!" Nilesy rambled in annoyance. You and Hannah both seemed to roll your eyes in sync as you punched away a persistent spider that kept running at you until it died in red.

"Look, I'm sure we'll find wolves soon, just stay calm," you insisted, strolling further between the trees and away from the other two.

Hannah chuckled, letting out a snort, "you sounded so much like Lewis then, you two spend way to much time arguing over Minecraft it's unreal."

"Only because he's crap at it!" you protested, before adding a loud, "sorry boss!" as an imitation of Nilesy and earning a laugh from them both.

Your character streaked further into the trees, punching at some of them to gather wood, taking Nilesy's advice in getting at least wooden swords rather then axes, "do either of you have a crafting table?"

"And some torches? It is getting very dark," Hannah said worriedly.

"It's alright, just stay together and we should survive," you insisted.

"That's the thing though, we can't see you," Hannah groaned, her character moving around to find you but having no such luck, along with Nilesy stalking after her like a lost puppy.

"You'll be fine guys, your meant to Minecraft experts," you told them.

"Yeah, and Minecraft experts don't spend the first day doing nothing but looking for wolves and the first night with nothing but two torches and wooden axes for company," Nilesy moaned.

"Torches? You have torches?" Hannah asked, her voice heightening in pitch whilst you bit your lip to ram in a laugh, "put them down quick! We need light!"

Nilesy must have put down the torches and the next thing you heard was a screaming of "OH SHIT!" from them both and up on the chat came:

Nilesyy was blown up by a creeper

lomadia_ was blown up by a creeper

"uh, guys?" you asked weakily, suddenly not feeling so brave about your Minecraft skills.

"There was 3 of the bloody things!" Hannah cried out in annoyance while Nilesy laughed.

"OH GOD! you yelled suddenly, taking them both by surprise.

"Did a creeper get you as well?" Hannah asked.


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Only recently started watching Nilesy and let me tell you, I regret every video I spent not watching him, I'm sorry if I portrayed his character wrongly aha but I do love the whole sibling-like relationship him and Hannah have it's just ahhh.

Hope you guys like this third one, had to include a Xephmadia moment didn't I?

I've never actually played Minecraft on hardcore mode and rarely play on survival - yep, I'm a creative mode freak who can build things better then can art irl and that's sad.

- A xxx

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