Day Twenty - "how about a pack of nappies"

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On the twentieth day of Christmas, the Yogscast gave to me,

A Day Of Fixing - Simon Lane(Honeydew), Kim Richards(Nanosounds)

You couldn't help but admit it was de ja vu all over again. The twentieth day of December, and twenty days ago you were in the same position, trekking down the high street, the winter air prickling at your skin with the chill closing in and the sun slowly disappearing over the horizon, only two bags this time filled to the brim with presents and the plastic handles straining under your grips. Kim and Simon trotted after you, talking to each other under their breaths, grins on their faces and the calm after the storm riding in. You bit down hard on your lip to stop your fan-girl self from letting out a squeal of joy. Kimon had always been one of your favourite ships, and one of the most probable other then the canon ones you had to admit.

"Then he literally just started dribbling everywhere," Kim finished, gesturing wildly with her hands while Simon let out a shriek of laughter, causing a smile to break across your face. Not to mention, you noticed hanging around her neck was the very necklace that you had brought her.

"Hey, lovebirds, Christmas shopping remember?" you said, waving your bags in the air while you noted the slight pink forming on both their cheeks, you handed a bag to Simon and pulled out your list, most of the names crossed out.

"So, have you brought for the Secret Santa yet?" Simon asked you, digging nonchalantly through your bag until Kim slapped his arm playfully, raising an eyebrow for him.

"No, I really have no idea what to get hi- them," you sighed, mentally kicking yourself. Honestly, you never expected buying for Smith to be that hard, but it's just with all the fans sending in boxes of stuff, he seemed to always get the obvious sweets, drinks and gecko stuff. Besides, you didn't want to give him something a fan would give him, you wanted to give him something a friend would give him.

"Well, if you actually told us who it was, we could help," Kim said suggestively, giving you a nudge with her shoulder while you shoved her back slightly, covering your list from view - you hadn't even brought him a regular present yet, let alone a Secret Santa one.

"How about a pack of nappies?" Simon giggled, referencing to right at the beginning of the month causing you to burst into barks of laughter while Kim knitted her eyebrows together, bemused.

"I don't think whoever it is would appreciate that," she told you both, "besides, you still haven't brought for Ross yet either, I went through your list earlier," she added upon seeing your expression.

"Ooh, not brought for Ross yet?" Simon said with a knowing look, you felt your body heat up suddenly and wished the ground would just swallow you up.

"Can you guys just stop?!" you begged, dragging yourself away from the high-street and closer to the shops in an attempt to stop drawing in attention - after all Bristol was a small town and there was no saying that a certain someone wasn't also doing late Christmas shopping. You seemed to end up inside a small, retro-styled shop, with huge arcade machines decorating the middle with old plushies and books sitting along them as though they were shelves and old records hung from almost every single wall. You watched as Kim's eyes lit up like, well, a kid on Christmas, she grabbed tight hold of Simon's hand and dragged him down the closest aisle while you giggled at the sight of them both in this new heaven they'd found. Trailing your eyes up and down the aisles and shelves, you took in everything, the lemony musky smell of books and all the old antiques, from creepily stuffed animals to old jars that looked like they belonged in pharaohs' pyramids with jewels - real or fake - embedded into them.

"Can I help you?" an old-faced and yet cheery shop keeper asked, clasping his hands together with an olive apron hanging around his waist.

"I'm looking for something for a friend, for Christmas," you told him, and he nodded thoughtfully, "he is, uh, quite special," you added, pleading that neither Kim or Simon were in close enough range to of heard the second part.

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