Day Two - "what is this? origami?"

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On the second day of Christmas, Yogscast gave to me

A Mince Pie Made By Dogs - Kim Richards(Nanosounds)

You and Kim lugged the jam-packed shopping bags through the narrow hallway of your flat, you using your foot to close the door shut behind you both and pull up the handle with you elbow whilst Kim giggled at your struggles. It had been a bit of a hectic day to say the least, rushing last minute out to the shop and then bumping into Kim who had been trekking around with a frown on her face in the local Morrisons scanning over the Christmas cards. One thing lead to another and soon the little short-bread was insisting on joining you in your dreaded journey of making picture perfect mince pies.

"Where to with the food captain?" Kim asked jokingly, waving the bags of food that she held tightly in her red-from-the-bitter-cold fingertips.

"To the kitchen," you ordered back, getting in the character and you both made your way past the living room and into the kitchen. A living room, you'd say, that looked rather unloved with a lack of decorations that brought it to life, nothing but a sad pile of tinsel sitting on the top of your DVD cupboard beside one Christmas card that was sent a month in advance from your rather persistent aunt.

Kim tutted under her breath as she slunk into the room and your raised an eyebrow, what was it this time? "you still haven't got a Christmas tree."

You scoffed, eyeing the spot where you had planned for it to be, "well I'm sorry little miss get a fake one out the loft every year, but I like to get my real ones on the second week of Christmas."

"Yeah," she nodded with a frown, "when all the actual good ones have gone."

"Don't say that. The one I got last year was not tatty, it just needed a little extra loving," you protested.

"A lot extra loving," she muttered in return as you rolled your eyes at her. Perhaps leaving open your last Christmas' photo album on your computer when most of the Yogscast had come for a party was a bad idea, considering that the picture of you making out with a cardboard cut-out of the tenth Doctor had ended up as a traditionally brought up joke. Then again, how the hell were you supposed to know they would drunkenly stagger up to your room where your laptop had been left.

Following Kim to the kitchen, you turned the corner, noticing her already stacking up the shopping bags onto the counter. You knew you had gone far too out of your way - under her insistence - to get the very best ingredients for your collection of mini mince pies that you were making. Your family were due round that day and you wanted to impress them in some way.

"Right, mince pie time!" you cried gleefully, clapping your hands together while Kim rolled her eyes and began to heave out all of the ingredients from the bags, shouting them out in a bellowing tone as she did so.

"Butter!" she yelled, "flour! Sugar! Eggs! Apples! Satsumas! Mincemeat!" and soon the counter tops were covered in them in their sealed containers, you practically wanted to rip them open at that moment and wave a magic wand and create the best mincepies in the world, but of course that wasn't exactly possible was it. The rest of the nessaccary equipment - like eggs and milk and all things pastry related - were shut up in one of your cupboards no doubt.

You eyed the ingredients, scanning them up and down, "you sure you don't want to make a video out of this?"

She rolled her eyes, standing up on her tiptoes and throwing an arm around your shoulders, her bared arms from where her shirt had edged up were cold against you and yet everyone knew Kim's hugs were the best, "no, I wanna spend time with my girl." you smirked at her and shoved her off you, bringing up google on your phone and typing in mince pie recipes.

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