Day Fifteen - "happy fucking birthday"

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On the fifteenth day of Christmas, the Yogscast gave to me,

A Now 31 Year Old Tantrum - Kim Richards(Nanosounds), Hannah Rutherford(Lomadia), Lewis Brindley(Xephos), Simon Lane(Honeydew)

You trudged into the office that morning with an air of warmth about you, despite your cheeks being tinted pink against the bitter-sweet coldness of winter. You passed at least five groups of people carrying Starbucks cups with grins of their faces as swirls of heat wafted out from the pierced whole in the lids, dog-walkers and families and tired looking elders out for strolls, all of them seemed connected today.

Unravelling your scarf from around your neck, you stooped past Tom 'from the office' and Colin lugging along a oblonged cardboard box, that looked suspiciously as though it used to contain that Christmas tree you'd often pestered them about, giving them both a grin. Kim's present was in your hands, wrapped up tightly in your apparently 'finest hour of wrapping in the history of ever' - well, that was according to Kyle anyone, but he was mainly hyped about being able to see Kim again so soon - you clasped the box ever so stiffly, so scared of dropping it and ruining everything, you were barely approaching her door when you heard the harsh whispering coming from within.

"Really, we're going to talk about this now?" you heard Kim hiss, her voice shaking slightly, you frowned, pausing in your steps so you fell silent enough to hear the rest - honestly, you knew you were eavesdropping and weren't that ashamed.

"We might as well," Simon's voice replied, his too cracking a little, "otherwise we're never going to."

"Oh, you know that's a lie." Kim growled in returned.

"Is it?" Simon let himself give out a weak chuckle, "because, it feels like you don't even care."

"I do care, that's the point," she argued in return. You heard a slight tutting and there was movement from within the room.

"I'm done right now. Lewis wants me in recording. I'll be happy Simon again soon." he grumbled, storming out of the room but pausing in the doorway as you heard the faint barely audible muttering reply of;

"Please don't do this."

Simon sniffed heavily, pulling himself away from the door as though he was snatching something away and be came thundering past you as you pretended to walk again. You peered round Kim's doorway, noticing her crouched down like a small child who had just been told off, slouched back and steadily lowering herself to her chair.

"Kim?" you whispered gently, placing the present on the side of her desk, "are you OK? I heard you and Simon-"

Her head suddenly shot up, her face crumpled over with tear stains drawling down the cheeks and her eyes, puffy and bloodshot, widening ever so slightly, "what did you hear?"

You shook her head, mentally scolding her for thinking she could hold herself together whilst hiding away everything like this, "enough," you told her firmly, before letting your voice soften again, "hey Kim. You better start telling people when problems start, so they can get fixed faster and things like this don't happen."

Kim swallowed heavily, not being able to face you anymore all of the sudden, "it would have happened anyway," she mumbled, her voice breaking as more sobs threatened to come out.

"Come on," you cooed, resting a hand against her just to remind her of another human - because sometimes all you needed at the point you were going to break was for someone to remind you that they noticed - "it's your birthday."

"Happy fucking birthday to me," she sniffed heavily, letting out a sobbing-laugh that sounded wrong coming from her, it was weird seeing her so sad. You rolled your eyes at her reaction and pulled her towards you heavily, tugging her using the sleeves of her jumper and clasping her close the second her arms wrapped back around you and her head buried itself in your shoulder. What happened to the beginning of the day? Well, you guessed, not everyone felt the buzzing joy when you did.

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