Day Twenty-Four - "santa put your trousers back on"

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On the twenty-fourth day of Christmas, the Yogscast gave to me,

Merry Christmas To You - Lewis Brindley(Xephos), Simon Lane(Honeydew), Duncan Jones(Lividcoffee), Paul Skyes(Sjin), Kim Richards(Nanosounds), Hannah Rutherford(Lomadia), Martyn Littlewood(Inthelittlewood), Alex Parvis(Parv), Tom Clark(Sparkles*), Alex Smith(Alsmiffy), Ross Hornby(djh3max), Chris Trott(Trottimus), Katie Morrison(Littlenommer), Zoey Proasheck(Zoeya), Fiona Riches(Saberial), Liam Mackay(Nilesy), Joakim Hellstrand(Rythian)

"I still can't believe you offered to host the party here," Kyle grumbled once again, huffing and turning away from you to fiddle with the bowls, popping open the three types of popcorn you had brought and pouring them in, catching the pieces that had fallen down out of it and replacing them into his mouth, chewing rather sadly.

"It's not my fault, Lewis wouldn't stop asking with that look of his," you protested, copying your reactions from earlier on in the month of fluffing the pillows across the sofas and fiddling with the baubles that had 'slipped' position on the tree.

"Yeah, sure," Kyle growled, entering the living room after you and placing the bowl on the coffee table, giving you a pointed stare, "his look."

"Hey, you like the guys, Ross and that will be here," you told him, stepping back once again and giving the tree and lop-sided look, cards opened and across the mantelpiece and the DVD shelves - the discs themselves had all been shoved inside an oblivious Kyle's wardrobe, something you knew you would be moaned at for later on - and, after much thinking, a piece of mistletoe was placed in the corner but only a small piece with barely any flowers; as though the amount of it there was depended on whether or not you had to kiss after being stuck under it. Your shipping side had kicked in when you saw it in the store, and that, and that alone was the reason you had brought it.

"Are you sure you're not the one who likes the guys? Especially Ross?" Kyle smirked, nudging your shoulders causing you to turn and frown at him, had Ross told him? "come on, I'm not stupid, I saw the look he was giving you when I dragged you guys back the other day, something happened out then and it wasn't friendship."

"Nothing happened," you growled to him, because, you supposed, that was true. You bent down, fixing one of the baubles on the one of the lower branches and listened and he tutted before strolling out the room and it wasn't long after that until the doorbell rang urgently, several times over and you bolted upwards and dashed to open in. Two grinning misfits, who too been in the same position earlier during the month, Parv and Sparkles* were stood there, presents in bags by their legs and they both outstretched their arms, to which you responded by jumping out into the cold and hugging them both and their clothing being even more cold against you.

"Is it the loverboy?" Kyle called unhelpfully from the kitchen, emerging at the end of the hallway, his smirk falling but reappearing shortly afterwards upon noticing who it was.

"We can be loverboys for you," Parv said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and handing his coat over to you where you stood waiting to catch it.

"There's a 'loverboy'?" Tom turned to you, raising an eyebrow to which you dismissed.

"Yeah, Kyle's expecting a Christmas hooker over," you told him, earning a snorted laugh.

"A pleasure elf?"

"You bet." you grinned, taking his coat and dunking them, again onto your bed in a rush as you left Kyle to become the host for a little bit, his demeanour seeming to brighten now that guests were actually here, and then, just as you were about to join them, the door ran again and Kim, Hannah, Lewis and Simon were the other side, jokingly bursting out into carols and you joining in by slamming the door shut again hearing laughter echoing outside before you opened it again, inviting them in and repeating the process of joking around and taking their coats before yet again the doorbell rang.

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