Day Seventeen - "you bet it bucko"

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On the seventeenth day of Christmas, the Yogscast gave to me,

A Wake-Up Filled With Parv - Alex Parvis(Parv), Tom Clark(Sparkles*)

If anything was to be told, was that you were not a morning person, and being a non-morning person was not something you thought would ever be used against you. Especially not by a certain person.

But there you were, curled up under a mountain of three bedsheet layers, hair spiralling out around you and you breath heavy when your doorbell rang, echoing through the hallway and up towards the door of your bedroom, dancing in your ears obnoxiously. You listened carefully, hoping that it was just some sales representative who would eventually shove off and leave you, Kyle let out a groan and rolled over in his bed in the room beside yours, muttering under his breath causing you to roll your eyes. That was until shock rattled through your body as the doorbell went off again. Then again. Then again.

"It's probably one of your bloody boyfriend's Alice, just answer it!" you heard Kyle snap out as he rolled over yet again, you rolled your eyes, sliding out of bed and wrapping a dressing gown around you as the cold of your room struck you.

"It could be one of yours," you mumbled angrily in reply, desperately dragging a brush through your pile of a birds nest that you were forced to call your hair, just in case it wasn't just some busybody or your landlord or something. You hammered down the hall, purposefully noising out your footsteps to make sure that Kyle was kept from a lay-in as much as you were. The doorbell continued to ring urgently, "what?" you asked loudly, as though speaking back every time in rang, "what? What? What? What?"

You threw the door-open, the bright morning light from where you'd spelt in for far too long burning straight through your eyes in a blur before they suddenly widened at the sight in front of you, "Parv? What are you-"

And what a sight it was, he was wrapped up in a huge blue puffy coat, clasped close to his chest making him look a lot like a sumo-wrestler, a woollen hat that looked a lot like Sam's from Until Dawn sat on his head, the dark black furry fluff falling down slightly and into his face - his rather blue, chap-lipped face - but that didn't seem to falter the large toothy grin he was portraying as he looked at you in all your sleepy glory. A dark blue sledge was balanced on the ground beside him, the bottom dipped in a coat of freckled snow and the outside frosty and the ground white, "hey."

"What? What on earth are you doing here? And with a sledge?" you asked, stifling a yawn as you wrapped your dressing gown closer to cover up your tatty-teddy pyjamas and flattening down your fringe slightly more.

"Make a guess," he laughed, shrugging slightly, his gloved hands shaking, "it snowed all of last night, and there's plenty of hills and me and Tom were sledging nearby and you lived nearby, and we like you, and we want to shove you down a really tall hill on a sledge."

"Um," you blinked several times, trying to take in what he was saying in your tired-state, "can I get ready first?"

A sudden shade of crimson stretched across Parv's face as he eyes darted about to avoid the fact that your body was shivering underneath a layer of pyjamas, "sure, of course," he said, laughing it off. You gave him a forced smile before you shutting the door behind you only for it to open about 10 minutes later with you two dressed up like an abominable snowman, a puffy coat on with a scarf wrapped around you and a classic Sjin-like beanie covering the top of your head.

This time when it came to opening the door, Sparkles* had appeared as well, snow drifts trapped in his floppy mess of gingerly hair with a cold yet cheery grin on his features, as Parv laughed at something he said before stopping to look at you in all your eskimo glory, "you ready to go?"

You let out a smirk, the glow of Christmas being right around the corner shooting through you in a way that you wished happiness always would. The white trickling drifts of snowflakes danced gently in the bitter wind, the smell of everything you looked forward to roasting through you, "you bet it bucko."

The three of you were sliding down the long stretching hill in turns, with the earliness only a few other people were actually out yet, a tired father with his rather insistent 7 year old son, a little old couple who happily watched on and a group of teenage girls that you knew kept giggling and staring at the two boys in front of you who were grinning ear to ear whilst trying to make it slightly-less-obvious that they were lapping up the attention - especially Parv, you had to add.

"Ready?" you said, perching yourself on the edge of the sledge, your clothes soaked through and your gloves seeming useless against the clasping cold that tightly held onto your hands. Nevertheless you were grinning with adrenaline pumping through you and the rope that would hopefully serve it's purpose of holding you in place gripped tightly.

"Only if you are," Tom winked, causing you to wrinkle your nose up at him as he laughed, then you nodded, feeling the sudden movement of the sledge underneath you with your stomach lurching slightly. Then down you went, whizzing down the hill with a whoop coming out of you and being lost in the wind, the laughter of Parv and Sparkles* surrounding you slightly with the snow whipping up and your stomach twisting as the wind rushed past you and your face grew pink. The sledge drew of a stop, to your fortune, just before it hit the edge of a snow-dusted holly bush and threw you into it, and you gathered yourself to your feet punching the air excitedly as you heard another sweep rush past you and Parv drew to a stop as well, screaming over-dramatically as he did so.

"Made it," you heard him whisper to himself and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

"Come on Sparkles*!" you cheered, getting random looks from those of the crowd who didn't quite understand why on earth a almost 30 year old was being called a name like that. You watched him nod from the top of the hill, his hat bopping slightly as he did, he wiggled his feet forwards in his boots and then pushed himself down off the hill, rushing down the hill with a cheer before racing past the both of you, knocking against your sledge as he did and he continued down the slowly less and less steep path of the park before-

"I'm telling you," Tom protested yet again as the three of you trudged through town, no longer carrying sledges, "I tried to stop, I really did."

"Yeah yeah," Parv brushed it off, "mate you dived head first into that bush on purpose."

You couldn't help but raise your eyebrow at this, "I don't think anyone would do it on purpose." Parv shrugged at this before pointing accusingly at Sparkles* who was stomping through the snow like a grumpy teenage. You cracked a smile at this, pulling his hands away from where he'd crossed his arms across his chest and linking your gloved hand with his, before repeating the process with Parv as the three of you wandered down the rest of the street like this with your hands clasped to each others and you standing in between the 'banterous' humour that Parv used to tease Sparkles* and Sparkles* used to come-back with.

"I blame the sledge," Tom said with a mark of finality about his comment as you and Parv scoffed and rolled your eyes in time, you nudged him with your shoulder before tugging them both closer to you.

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a disaster every other day, you decided, especially not with the Yogscast and their craziness and especially not with Parv and Sparkles* with their bromance, and especially not with Mandrew and his owner who loved each other really, and especially not with three-hatted creatures - one that was green, one that claimed to be a mayor and one that had flippers - and especially not with a mad scientist or a farmer or a roleplaying maniac that everyone made fun of.

You shook your head, smiling so wide for so early in the morning you felt your cheeks splitting.

"Only a bad horsemen blames the horse." you stated.

_ , . - ; ' * ' ; - . , _ _ , . - ; ' * ' ; - . , _

Another short one for everyone to enjoy, a cute little bromance thing here and who can't love Sparkles* and Parv who are the freaking cutest children who are possessing adult bodies ever. Hey, guess what, my Christmas holiday's start in two days time woohooo!

- A xxx

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