Day Thirteen - "thanks to trott ramming me off"

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On the thirteenth day of Christmas, the Yogscast gave to me,

A GTA Playlist For Festive Rage - Lewis Brindley(Xephos), Ross Hornby(djh3max), Chris Trott(Trottimus), Kim Richards(Nanosounds), Tom Clark(Angor)

"Hello everyone and welcome to another GTA playlist, today, I've got a very festive array of guests. We've got Duncan, two thirds of Hat Films - the best two - Angor obviously and the two lovely ladies of Kim and Py. Who is wearing a horrifying Christmas outfit." Lewis cried, snorting out of laughter at your character. A girl with tied back silver hair and a bright red 'Christmas' hat along with a tight red shirt and white trousers, your skin also red and your eyes white.

"I tried to make it festive." you protested over everyone else's cries of laughter and mocking.

"Oh my god," you heard Ross breath out in that voice of his causing a smile to grow on your face, which soon turned into a roll of eyes as Trott burst out.

"God, I'm so aroused right now! Split the desk!"

"Cleavered it right in two." Kim inputted behind a giggle.

"Keep it in your pants you filthy walrus," you teased, choosing your car as those 3 numbers appeared on the screen, "oh my god, there's Christmas trees everywhere."

"Well, fur trees that have been added really badly, and I've already crashed." Lewis muttered to himself, loud enough for you all to here though.

You let out a scream as you car was shoved off the ramp and sent spiralling into an explosion by none other then Mr Hornby himself, "you complete arse Ross Hornby!" you cried out, not quite realising at that time you'd quoted Harry Potter.

"Sorry bout that," he said casually, not sounding sorry at all, "but guess whose in first suckers."

"Not for long Djh3imax." Tom taunted before the words, Djh3max was blown up by Angor appeared on the bottom of your screen.

"Now I'm last." Ross cried.


Half way round the second lap, of the rather well made, and certainly rage worthy tracks chosen by the obvious Thomas Clark, a sudden thought popped into your head, "So, what's everyone's best Christmas joke?"

"Oh," Lewis said, accidentally falling out his car before you ran him over, "my favourite one is; what did the snowman say to the other snowman?"

"I don't know," you played along, "what did he say?"

"Do you smell carrots?" you let out a snort, giggling afterwards like a child causing your car to swerve and block the path of Trott.

"Damn it Py," he joked, ramming into your car until it was pushed off the track.

"Sorry," you stuttered out under laughter, "but 'do you smell carrots?'" you continued to giggle, "good luck beating that."

"Why is Santa always so jolly? Because he knows where all the naughty girls live." Tom said casually in his 'bored android' voice. You let out a snort at this one as well, "and I just won bitches."

"What?" Ross cried in protest, "how? I've barely just got past this first jump."

"That's because you didn't choose the faggio." Tom said pointedly, before you interrupted.

"You don't actually have to take the jumps, theirs a path around them all."

"What?" "Bullshit!" "Seriously?!" "Of course there is."

"Yeah, thanks to Trott ramming me off I just found one, so cheers walrus." you said casually, zooming past the third terrifying looking jump that Kim in her sleek red car was slowly edging up so as not to mess it up all over again.

"I just saw her car! Oh, it's under the bridges!" she cried out triumphant at her detective skills.

"Oh come on, Trott! We're both last! Why do that?" Lewis cried in annoyance, snorting in laughter at the same time.

"Sorry," Trott said, you could picture him with a grin on his face, "it was nessaccary. I have found the secret paths."

"Guys, I'm still stuck on the second jump, my car just won't make it." Ross whimpered, causing you to splutter out a laugh as you crossed the finish line and switched your camera to spectate him.

"I'd give up and respawn, there's a way to get to the secret paths right at the beginning, not to mention Kim just lapped you." you informed him, watching as her red car raced past while Ross' disappeared and re-appeared back at the last checkpoint where he instantly noticed the secret path and raced down it.

"Those jumps are terribly made aren't they," Lewis pointed out, "massive hops in the middle where the platforms don't line up."

"I think that's on purpose," Tom said, "no-one's that bad at placing things, besides, this guy's other maps are pretty good."

"Well this ones terrible!" Lewis declared, his car too crossing the finish line with Trott not that far behind. Kim came just before them, so Ross was most definitely in last place.

"You're not gonna make it buddy," you said.

"I will!" he cried determinedly, causing you all to jump at his sudden tone, "I will make it! I'll make it! I didn't make it!" the group was laughing around him as, no doubt, the letters DNF appeared on his screen, whilst the word '2nd' appeared on yours.

"Woohoo!" you cheered, punching the air behind your mic, "2nd place for the first time."

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Any bad Christmas jokes? Would love to hear them, I kinda have a thing for them, these two and only two of many and kinda my favourite as well.

Sorry it's late, it was my dad's birthday yesterday so I didn't get the chance

I have recently brought GTA and am now obsessed and have actually started winning a lot of online races it's great, I have rage-quit a few times though and somehow have an arch enemy aha, gotta love that game.

- A xxx

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