Chapter 1 - The Alchemist

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"What do you want?" The boy in his welding mask asked frustratingly.

Flynn Rider was bewildered. He efforts to clarify to him. Flynn was doing his best about his day. "Look...creepy...welder? I'm having an off-day for me here today. I stole something from the castle. I was being chased by guards. And that crazy guard lady was after me. And I gave her a slip when she finds the tower." He added. Flynn Rider irritates. He was struggling over the purple goo stuff on the floor. "I want nothing to do with you! I just need to get out of your trap! Literally!" Flynn Rider exclaimed.

The boy took off his welder's mask. He has a blue stripe on his black hair. The boy was astonished. "Oh my god." He said.

Flynn nodded his head twice. "Yeah, oh my god is right. A real hectic day for me." He said.

The boy blinks his eyelids twice. "I can't believe it." He whispers.

Flynn extends his arms. "I know!" He added, exclaiming. Flynn was pitying himself. "This doesn't normally happen. More like every weekend." He utters.

The boy shook his head. He was beaming. "No, I mean I can't believe it!" The boy exclaims.

Flynn was befuddled. "Um...Did I miss something here?" He wondered.

The boy was excited. "My trap you stepped into was just for the raccoon. It keeps coming here for no reason." He replied.

Flynn raises his eyebrow. "And you're delighted why?" He asks.

The boy gestures to what he catches. "Because I caught Flynn Rider in my house!" He shouted happily.

Flynn waves his hands crazily at him. He wanted him to shut up. "Hey, tsk, tsk, tsk!" Flynn added, hushing at him. "You want to draw attention, kid?!" He exclaimed.

The boy recognized. He was genuine. "Oh I'm sorry. I know you're the famous thief." The boy added. "I'm Varian by the way." He introduced himself.

Flynn was confident. "Gesundheit." He said.

Varian takes off his long coat and welder's mask. He raises his eyebrow at him. "Just one question, are you hiding in my house just to lay low?" Varian asked.

Flynn narrowed his eyes. He nodded his head. "Yes, kid. That's right." Flynn added. "Like I said to you before, I was being chased by guards." He uttered.

Varian was puzzled. "What did you stole?" He wondered.

Flynn blew his raspberry at him. He teases the kid. "As I'm really going to tell you what I steal." Flynn stated.

Varian smiles big. He was smirking at him. "It's the crown for the lost princess, is it?" Varian wonders again.

Flynn got his eyes widened.

Varian gestures himself. He even makes a total sass to him. "I am an alchemist and the inventor of things. And just a kid you mentioned. I got good eyes when it comes to something blinds me." Varian added. He extends his left hand to him. "It was the sun that makes a rainbow by part of the crown, Flynn Rider." Varian said.

Flynn Rider was mind-blown. The sunlight did took the jewel to create a rainbow on the wall. He sighed. Flynn was bothered. He raises his both arms. "Fine! You got me!" Flynn added, admitting. He crisscrossed his arms. "Just don't tell everyone I'm here, okay?" Flynn pleads.

Varian ponders for a moment. "Hmmm." He said.

Varian shrugs. He was debating. "I don't know. I have read books about you. I have seen you in wanted posters. I had a collection of how one artist...I am not calling names here...who couldn't get your nose right." Varian aforementioned.

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