Epilogue - The Birth of Team Awesome

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Note: There's going to be a post-part after the last part of my Tangled fanfic. Enjoy!

In Quirin's house of Old Corona, Eugene meets Varian's father in the morning.

They are going face-to-face.

Quirin was solemn. "There was lots of things that you should know...While you are with Varian couple days ago..." he said.

Eugene was pitiful. "It's about the kingdom of Corona, is it?" He guesses.

Quirin nodded his head twice. He clears his throat. "The crown of Princess Rapunzel was stolen by Flynn Rider...The last sighting of Flynn Rider was somewhere over the river...The royal guards don't know if HE was alive or not..." he said.

Quirin brings out the Flynn Rider wanted poster. He gestured at it. Quirin was stern. "Is this really you?" He inquired.

The wanted poster looked like Eugene. His nose was different. On the wanted poster, Flynn Rider looks like he got a big pointy nose.

Eugene blinks his eyes twice. He was making a witty of himself. Eugene smiled. "Oh please..." he added. "Okay, this is not me. And my nose doesn't look even like-" Eugene tries to finish his sentence.

Quirin covers Flynn Rider's nose.

Eugene was surprised. Then, he was busted. "Ohh...Right..." Eugene said quietly.

Quirin was irritated. "Explain to me, Flynn." He added. "What are you doing here in Old Corona? And how do you know me and my son?" Quirin asked.

Eugene was awkward. He made his effort to answer yet fast-talking hectically. "Okay, my real name IS Eugene Fitzherbert. I came from the orphanage. I read the adventure books. I used the name Flynn Rider to be a thief for a living. I stole the crown from the castle. I was pursued by royal guards. I snuck in your son's house just to hide from anyone. Varian caught me by his goo trap. He wanted to see the tower. I saved his life from drowning in the river. We were going to save Rapunzel from the tower. Then, she wasn't there anymore. Varian and I are trying to get the crown back. We couldn't find it in the spooky cottage. The kid fainted with the cold. And here I am, back in Old Corona. Varian told me about you and the village. Maximus, Ruddiger and Varian are the only ones who know about the real me. Maximus is the Coronan guard horse. And Ruddiger is the raccoon who brought you to Varian. Because he was helpless in the freezing pit. I feel so bad for your son. Really." Eugene answered. He was out of his breath.

Quirin blinked his eyes thrice times. He was bewildered.

Eugene breathes so hard that he can hear his heart beating rapidly.

Quirin groaned. He took a deep breath. Quirin was calmed yet curious. "Do you know exactly what happened to Princess Rapunzel's crown?" He wondered.

Eugene sighed. He was melancholy. "I lost it in the deep river." Eugene lied in his reply. He knows it was Varian who had it last. Eugene doesn't want Varian to become the trouble. He was upset. "I can't carry your son and the crown at the same time. I really made my choice, Quirin. If you could understand-" Eugene efforts to complete his sentence.

Quirin was firm. "Eugene!" He exclaimed.

Eugene kept silent. He looked so sorry.

Quirin sighs. He was a slight angry. "I understand the situation you have in the river. I was keeping my mouth shut about you from the guards. And now that I know you go on saving my son first over the crown." Quirin added. Eugene was glum. Quirin was empathetic. "Varian means so much to me. You kept him safe from harm's way. You are a good man, Eugene. I still can't thank you enough for that." Quirin mentioned.

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