Chapter 10 - Spick and Spanning the Tower/Ruddiger's Bath

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Before Eugene and Varian are set out to go to the haunted cottage, they have things to clean up.

Eugene and Varian are outside of the tower.

The white horse shoveled the water with a wooden pail. Maximus was holding it with his teeth.

Eugene placed a big wooden tub on the grassy ground. He was not thrilled. "Varian, this is going to take hours to scrub inside of the tower." Eugene complained.

Varian was holding Ruddiger. The raccoon was squeaking and squirming. Varian was annoyed. "Ruddiger...Calm down...It's okay..." He added. "Lucky for me...I have been...experimenting...the way to...get the tower...all clean quicker..." Varian said. He made a blep expression.

The raccoon pawed at him. Varian was booped at his nose. He was surprised. "Hey..." Varian added. He was irritated. "Stop that, Ruddiger..." Varian whispered at the raccoon.

Eugene rolls his eyes. He was fetching water with the wooden pail. Eugene was bothered. "I get it. Throw the little pretend marbles at the walls. Except the one on top of the fireplace." He reminded himself.

Varian shook his head. "They're not marbles..." He added. "It's soap and...water orbs..." Varian stated. He nodded his head twice. "And yes..." Varian added. He struggles with Ruddiger writhing. "Toss the floor first...Then the walls...Ignore wall...above the...fireplace..." Varian instructed him.

Maximus and Eugene finishes filling up the wooden tub with water. They are pouring water in it from their wooden pails.

Varian was irked. He tries to restrain the raccoon. "Eugene...Is the bath...ready for...Ruddiger...yet?" Varian wondered.

Eugene smirks. "Hold your raccoon a bit longer, kid. It's about to get arranged momentarily." He replied.

Eugene brought out a big turquoise ball. He was confident. "I got your alchemy thing-y like you asked me for back in the tower." Eugene mentioned.

Varian couldn't grasped Ruddiger much longer. He glances at Eugene. Then he glanced at Ruddiger. Varian was mad. "Eugene, drop my bath bomb in the tub! Drop it!" Varian hollered.

Eugene cringed. He was unanticipated. "Okay! Okay! I'll get to it!" Eugene added, exclaiming. He was peeved. "Little-Mister-Angry-Nerd..." Eugene mumbled.

Varian catches Eugene's mumbling. "I have heard that!" Varian shouted.

Eugene threw the big turquoise ball in the water-filled wooden tub. He took a deep breath.

The water's surface in the wooden tub begins foaming.

The white horse was amazed.

Eugene was astonished. "This is awfully a lot of soap bubbles here." He aforesaid.

Then, the water in the wooden tub made a little burst.

Eugene blinks his eyes twice.

Varian was cheerful. "That's experiment...will remove...any messes...including...the paints..." He believes.

Eugene was delighted. He shrugs. "Well have fun bathing your new buddy here." Eugene added. He was heading to the tower. "Max and I are gonna clean the tower in a jiffy." Eugene aforementioned.

The white horse retrieved the wooden pail.

Maximus walks behind Eugene.

Varian takes deep breaths. He was happy yet irritated. "All right, buddy..." Varian added. He goes forth to the wooden tub steadily. The raccoon continued struggling. "Easy, Ruddiger...Water and soap...ain't gonna...hurt ya..." Varian said.

In the tower, Eugene and Maximus surveyed the messy paints.

The white horse was stern.

Eugene frowns. "Max, just neigh at me if I missed a spot, okay?" He wondered.

The white horse nodded his head twice and snorts.

Eugene was prepared. He brings out a few water-and-soap orbs. Each one has different colors. The first one was light yellow. The second one was light green. And the third and last one was light blue. Eugene grins happily. "Time to make the tower spick and span." He declared.

Eugene kneeled down to the floor. He throws them gently to where the paints was spilled on.


The three water-and-soap orbs disappeared. The paints on the floor are removed.

Maximus smiled.

Eugene was contented. He sighed. "Ha." Eugene added. "Varian's right. It DOES get rid of any messes including paint." He said.

The white horse points to him where to clean next.

Eugene nodded his head twice. "I got it, Max." He added. Eugene was glad. "By the looks of the walls, I guess we're only going to ultra-clean half of the tower. No need to worry about the painting over the fireplace." He suggested.

Eugene smiles at the white horse.

Maximus agreed.

Outside of the tower, the raccoon gripped the wooden tub. Ruddiger was growling. Varian was displeased. He tugs the raccoon. "Oh let go...Let go, Ruddiger..." Varian added. He pushes the raccoon down in the wooden tub. Ruddiger wasn't going to lose his fight with Varian. The raccoon was exasperated. He was fed up. "Don't make this hard for me...Ruddiger...Come on...Get in the tub..." Varian demanded. He efforts to shove the raccoon in the wooden tub. Ruddiger let go of the wooden tub. Varian was overwhelmed. "Wah!" He exclaimed. Varian falls into the wooden tub. He braced himself.


After a few seconds, Varian appeared on the water's surface. He gasped. Varian has his eyes widened. He has foams on his head and shoulders. Varian was trying to breathe easily. He hears the little dog paddles in the water. Varian glimpsed down. He blinks his eyes thrice times. It was the raccoon. Ruddiger was swimming to him. The raccoon lays on his chest. Ruddiger was smiling. The raccoon squeaks.

Varian frowned. He was sulky. "You did that on purpose, did you Ruddiger?" Varian inquired. He was all wet.

The raccoon brought out a wooden bath-brush. Ruddiger squeaked cheerfully.

The raccoon walks up on the wooden tub. Ruddiger scrubs Varian's head with a bath-brush.

Eugene and Maximus got out of the tower. Eugene was enthusiastic. "Varian, the tower looks great! The floating lanterns painting is safe over the fireplace!" He added, exclaiming. "You have to come see for yourself-" Eugene almost finish his sentence. He was stunned after seeing what happened to Varian.

The white horse was shocked.

Eugene was blowing raspberries. He was happy. Then, Eugene was laughing hysterical at him. "PFFT-HAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" He cries out loud. Eugene clings his stomach. He would not stop busting his gut.

Maximus closes his eyes and neighed crazily.

Eugene settles down from his laughter. He was cheery yet hysterical still. "What did you do, kid? Teach a raccoon how to bathe you?" Eugene asks teasingly. He resumes his big laughs.

Ruddiger shows his happy teeth at Eugene.

Varian was getting moody in the wooden tub.

Next part soon!

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